2. The new Granger

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"Is this a joke?" Hermione stared into the open common room. There was a large black plush couch and a couple of matching sitting chairs (Crookshanks was curled up on one, dozing merrily) around a coffee table, all of which faced a large fireplace which was burning and crackling invitingly. The fireplace was flanked on either side with ceiling height bookshelves which were filled with hundreds of advanced level tomes, history, biographies, and other fascinating titles Hermione had always hoped to read.

Across the room was a study nook, an over-sized desk with two chairs, study lamps, and a book stand on either side to assist them in their homework. Beyond that was a small kitchen area. It contained an icebox, a stove, and a sink. The cabinets were stocked with enough plates and cups for ten, which Hermione came to assume were meant to cover the needs of all of the Prefects during their weekly meetings. There was a round dining table that would sit four comfortably, though only two chairs were currently present. Atop the table was a bowl of fresh fruit.

And down the hall from the kitchen were three doors. The one to the left read "Head Girl", the one to the right read "Head Boy".

Draco and Hermione looked at each other with shared disgust, before turning their attention to the Headmistress who had escorted them to their new sleeping arrangements.

"I assure you two, this is no joke," McGonagall said, sounding neither surprised by their reactions nor sympathetic to their plight. "Given that there was no room for the two of you in your house dorms, and you are both well of age, and Heads, we thought that this could serve as an opportunity to mix things up a bit."

"Mix things up a bit?" Malfoy repeated back to her. "Like guinea pigs?" Hermione added, appalled. But Minerva ignored them and carried on.

"As Head Boy and Girl, the two of you have taken on a great responsibility, perhaps more so than any Heads before you in the climate of things, and I do believe that both of you are up to the task. There are rules, of course, that you are expected to follow. For starters, I don't believe I have to worry about the two of you behaving inappropriately with one another," she gave them each a pointed look, causing them to look at each other in disgust before back at her. "Nonetheless, you are not to give your password to your friends, this dorm is for you two, and Prefect meetings, only. You are not to have visitors after curfew. No visitors of the opposite sex in your bedrooms," again, the headmistress looked pointedly at each of them, lingering on the male. "As you know, you two are responsible for arranging the patrol schedules for yourselves and the Prefects. You will host your weekly meetings here. I'll let the two of you decide what day of the week is best. I expect you, Mister Malfoy, will have to be mindful of your quidditch schedule, if you're to continue playing this year. It will be up to you and your Prefects to boost morale this year. I look forward to hearing what initiatives you lot come up with."

After a few more rules, and a few more questions answered, the Headmistress excused herself to allow the two elder students to settle in.

Draco hadn't actually given thought to whether or not he intended to rejoin the team this year. Did he even want to? He had to admit, with Potter gone, off at Auror training, the pull wasn't nearly as strong. At least he had time before tryouts to decide. For now, he wanted nothing more than to go to bed. He headed through the center door, the one he correctly assumed to be for the restroom. It was larger than he thought was possible, being placed so tightly between the two bedrooms. It had a large footed bathtub angled in the back right corner, a standing shower to the left, and two sinks flanking the main bathroom door, to allow both of them to make room for themselves and their routines. The sinks laid inside a marble counter top, featuring ornate framed mirrors, which matched every fixture, antique gold. They each had their own door leading to their own bedrooms on either side of the room. Draco was admittedly impressed. It was even more extravagant than the Prefects' bathroom, save for it's tub, as nothing Draco had ever seen could beat the Prefects' tub.

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