Athena waves and ruffles Spencer's hair, her favorite thing to do. She then lays her head on his shoulder.

"Wait, are you saying this is Emily's daughter?" Morgan asks. "But that means —."

Strauss interferes. "Yes Agent Morgan. That means Emily Prentiss is Camila Hart."

Spencer sits Athena in the seat as eyes are on her. "You see, I only found about Athena when I mistakenly found Elle Greenaway in the hospital, days after Gideon's death. I followed her and Emily's in a hospital bed. I then get notified that she had surgery and that she had a baby. But it would've been the last time I saw her because she needed to fake her death."

"The Chief at Interpol and I have been in communication. The person they're looking for are the person we're looking for. The one who killed Gideon," Strauss explains. "Their Interpol team came here, trying to get more information but then got side tracked due to Agent Prentiss's situation."

Kate butts in. "This is where I come in. I worked with Emily Prentiss in London. The idea came up for me to move here to locate the unsub, knowing that it was one of your top cases. Along with my family, one of my colleagues back at Interpol, Luke Alvez stayed with Emily and Athena."

Everyone's confused until 3 people walk in. "Meet Elle Greenaway, Luke Alvez, and Tara Lewis."

Athena sees Elle and runs towards her. She gives her a hug and gives Luke and Tara one too.

"Elle?" Morgan asks.

She smiles. "Derek."

Elle then explains her situation. How she "knows" the unsub. How she got to Interpol and met Emily. And life after that.

After a couple rounds of explaining and drawing on the board, almost everyone has questions and they were answered.

Except for Agent Aaron Hotchner.

Emily's alive? Why didn't she say anything at Gideon's funeral? Why hide her pregnancy?

He walks out. Spencer follows behind him and closes the door as they enter his office. Taking in a deep breath, he musters what he needs to say.

"Is Athena my daughter?"

"She is," Reid states.

Hotch sighs. "Why didn't you tell me? And how long have they been here?"

"The unsub is after you Hotch, I found out she's after Emily. This is personal. To protect Athena, both their deaths were faked," he explains. "They've been here since the week of Gideon's funeral."

"Reid. You kept my daughter from me for more than 3 years. You had no right from keeping that from me," Hotch raises his voice.

Reid snaps back. "Your right left when you pushed Emily away to go to Interpol. I forgave you the minute I saw her in the hospital."

He's right. He did push her away. But right now they needed to do one thing.

"Let's go find Emily."

Back in the round table room, Athena is in Elle's arms. As smart as she is, she's still a baby to her family.

"What do we know?" Morgan asks.

Spencer explains. "We have reason to believe that the unsub is Beth Davis, although she's nowhere to be found. She got close to Hotch but once he pushed her away, something triggered her."

"But what does Emily have to do with this?" Luke adds.

Silence occurs. "What if... she knew that Emily and Hotch were a thing?"

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