beach day (updated)

563 24 23

I'm sorry but I will not be uploading for a while, please read the note at the end of the chapter.


Daichi's POV

I'm still not sure about my sexuality but whenever I see him... I don't know how to explain it! I just want to get to know him more, and see him more-


(A/N I don't fucking know what sound to put)

I look down to see my phone blowing up.

Messages: The Boys group chat

Kuroo: Kenma invited me to the beach who's coming with me?

Bokuto: I thought you wanted to have alone time with your 'kitty'

Iwaizumi: I-

Kuroo: I trusted you bro :(

Bokuto: My bad bro

Sakusa: Ew

Osamu: Suna said he was going too

Kuroo: Yeah their whole group is going

Bokuto: I'LL GO

Daichi: I'll go to make sure you don't drown yourselves

Kuroo: Thanks dad

Daichi: What-

Tsukishima: Just accept you're the dad in this group

Asahi: I can't disagree with them

Daichi: Wow ok

Kuroo: So we'll all go?

Sakusa: No

Osamu: Tsumu is going too

Sakusa: I'll drive myself

(A/N All agreed and Tsukishima is going to be dragged along by Bokuto and Kuroo lmao)

[Back to Daichi's POV]

The beach doesn't sound that bad if I wasn't going with idiots, but I'm also meeting new people so hopefully, they can take care of the idiots instead

Yamaguchi POV

After a crazy car ride filled with horrible singing, we made it to the beach! II haven't been to the beach in years so I'm excited! Oikawa had to lend me some shorts because I didn't have any, he gave me high-waisted black shorts, and I paired the shorts with I baggy forest green T-shirt.

"Yamaguchi, can you help me with the waters?" Suga asked.

We were going to stay here for a while so we decided to bring some food and drinks.


"I'm going to warn you now... they might be very energetic and overwhelming but to stay calm?" Suga said with a serious tone.

"I'll try..."

Time skip because I suck at writing filler text

After we got there I met new people right away but most of them were in the water so I didn't get to meet them all.

"So Yamaguchi what's your dream?" my new acquaintance said their name is Akaashi Kenji!

"To become a famous artist! What's yours?" I asked.

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