One step closer

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Yamaguchi's P.O.V

5 AM... 5 fucking AM!! I twist and turn, right to left, but I can't fall asleep! Chikara is coming in like 4 hours, and everything is packed. I feel anxious. It's probably because around the time I entered primary school I was the main target for bullies. It continued for years. I was and still am scared to tell someone, and Ennoshita knows a little but I never actually told him about it. He saw me with some kids back in middle school but I played it off by telling him they were my classmates and we have to do a project together. Did I mention Ennoshita is a year older? It was my last year in middle school and he just started high school. He never told me why he came that day, and I'm still curious.

"WAKE UP BITCH!" my thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Ennoshita's voice, thank you for stealing the spare key Enno.

"IT'S 6 AM!"

"AND YOU'RE AWAKE!" he wasn't wrong...

"We're going to get breakfast~" those words made me crawl out of bed immediately. I'm pretty hungry at the moment.

"Is Tanaka here?" I look up to see Enno blush by just hearing his crush's name. Ew.

"Y-yes! Now hurry up!" I wanted to tease him but I'll do that later.

Fast forward to the car

"Hey Yamaguchi, long time no see!" Ennoshita's crush said once I entered the car.

"Hey Tanaka, still got a crush on Enno?" I chuckled a little.

"Wha-" I saw the blush on his face.

"TADASHI SHUT UP!" Enno must've been annoyed by my question.

"Ugh. Just date already." I muttered under my breath. If Ennoshita heard me say that I would've been dead!

After screaming lyrics to songs we finally made it to our destination. IHOP. It didn't look like many people were dining in until we walked in. It's about 7 AM on a Thursday! Who the fuck wakes up at 7 AM to go to IHOP on a Thursday! People got some weird schedules, but yeah.

"Enno..." I said in an annoyed voice.

"Tanaka?" Ennoshita looked at Tanaka.

"I didn't know this many people would be here right now! I'm sorry Chikara! I'm sorry Yamaguchi!" Tanaka looked really sorry. I forgive him but I still want IHOP!

"YOU KNOW WHAT I'LL COOK INSTEAD!" Tanaka looked excited and he wasn't a bad chef. So I agreed and so did Ennoshita.

Time skip to Ennoshita's apartment

"Are you sure you have everything? I don't want to go to the fucking store for ingredients." Tanaka isn't one to be serious but when it comes to cooking you best stay away.

"I checked 2 times! It's already 8:30!" At this point Ennoshita was pissed off it was hilarious. Until I realized it was 8:30... HOLY SHIT IT'S 8:30!

"FORGET BREAKFAST LET'S GO IT'S ALMOST 9!" I said while getting my shoes on.

"You leave at 9 and it's almost 9 what's the big problem-" Ennoshita said without thinking.

"Chikara I have the keys! Hurry up!" Tanaka did something smart for once.

My best friend went to put his shoes on in a flash. At this point, Tanaka and I were down the hallway, and Chikara was rushing towards us. After a not very long car ride, we made it to my guardian's house. We rushed inside and Tanaka used all his strength to carry some boxes. Ennoshita was getting distracted because he was watching Tanaka.

"If you're going to sexual fantasies, don't think about it when I'm there!" I said but Enno was lucky Tanaka wasn't there.

"N-NO STOP YOUR THINKING!" Ennoshita flustered stomped out of the room after saying that.

Anyways I didn't have much so it didn't take us a long time to get everything into the car. Now it's time to leave this town and hopefully start-


You're kidding! I was thinking very positively now! I checked my phone to see who messaged me... Sugawara-san.


Sugawara: Hey Yamaguchi! Are you leaving?

Yamaguchi: I'm leaving rn

Sugawara: Oh! Anyways I just wanted to tell you we're roommates! I checked!

Yamaguchi: Oh nice!

Sugawara: I'll see you later!

Yamaguchi: Yeah bye

It's good I know who my roommate. Okay! The new chapter of my life starts now!


Shorter chapter for now! I will make longer ones just have patience! 

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