"SUPERBOY!!!" Miss Martian and Aqualad shout simultaneously. I lose my concentration and turn just in time to see Superboy disappear in a neon flash. I gape at the spot my friend was previously standing. Suddenly I'm knocked off my feet and onto the ground, when I look up I can only catch a glimpse of Artemis's glowing silhouette.

"ARTEMIS!!!" Kid Flash screams.

"Guys, we need back up!" I holler in my head, nothing, "GUYS?!?!" Silence. Grunting I lung at Joker and kick the gun out of his hands, throwing punches and kicks. Somehow, after minutes straight of hand to hand combat, Joker grabs the gun and shoots at something past me. I glance back at Kid Flash who disappears. During this Joker managed to get me in a head lock, gun pointed to my temple.

"Okay little birdie, that took much more effort than I wanted to use." Joker says slightly agitated. "Now it's time to make a little call." Joker drags me over to a chair and ties me to it.

Something moves on both sides of my peripheral vision and I snap my head to see Miss Martian, who is wearing an inhibitor collar, and Aqualad, on my left and Zatana, who has a gag in her mouth, on my right. Joker places a camera with a screen on a tripod in front of us and presses a button. After a few seconds the screen flickers to life but Joker steps in front of us, blocking it from view.

"Why hello dear friends!" Joker says sinisterly. "I have quite a bone to pick with you, and I must say, the odds are largely in my favor."

"What do you want Joker?" A voice deep growls. Batman. I would know that voice anywhere.

"Mmmm," Joker seems to think about this for a moment. "I need you to help me make a very important decision."

"And why would we do that?" A voice I recognize as Green Arrow ask.

"Because I have something very important to you and it's up to you weather or not you see it again." Joker remarks. "Unfortunately, I had to narrow down the numbers a bit, but it should still suffice."

"What are you talking about," Batman growls.

"I'm talking about this," He replies as he steps to the side. The screen showcases a large room with stone walls and marble floors. In the background there are large windows that portray what looks like outer space and in the middle of it all, the Justice League. I stare at their faces, they all look terrified. "Now I already had to use my fancy new weapon on Arrow Girl, Strong Boy, and Fast Kid so I only have one shot left." Joker slinks around behind us slowly and stops between Miss Martian and I. "Who should I use it on..." He says, moving the barrel from my head to M'gann's. I cringe at the cold metal on my ear.

"DON'T" YOU DARE HURT THEM!!!" Wonderwoman shouts.

"Oh, I won't hurt them." Joker grins. "Only one. I think it's safe to say that Fish Boy over hear is in the safe zone, I don't really have any guff with him or the magician. I've never met Martian Manhunter so green girl is fine." I feel my eyes widen, this can only mean one thing. "That just leaves Bird Boy..."

Batman shouts, "JOKER I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL-" Joker grabs me by the neck.

"You'll what? Kill me? We both know that's not going to happen." Joker hisses. "But before we end this, I just want you to hear the little Bat Brat scream one final time. Any last words?"

"Robin I'm so sorry-"

"Hey, It's okay. This isn't your fault." I say with a forced smile. A flash of silver leads to a searing pain in my hand. The feeling of flesh tearing apart and the burning of my nerves, on fire from the excruciating pain. I cry out in a small voice before I hear my mentor holler my name but by now, I'm not paying attention. Soon, I am engulfed in a blue haze.

When Worlds collide || (Young Justice/Avengers crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now