Fourteen - Perspective

Start from the beginning

The elevator doors opened onto the bottom floor, and they turned into Aizawa's quarters. The main room that most of the students had seen had his desk and a few seats. However, Aizawa took her past this into his living quarters. He slid the door open into his living room and Ren peaked inside.

"Daddy!" She saw a young girl who couldn't have been older than 7 run up to Aizawa. She had long silver hair with a little bow clipped into it, large round eyes and a petite frame. A small horn poked out of the right side of her forehead. Her smile was wide when she saw Aizawa.

Aizawa crouched down and welcomed her hug. "Hi sweetheart." He wrapped his arms over her, she almost disappeared. Mirio was there too, he stood next to Ren and bumped her arm in greeting. "How was your day?" Aizawa opened his arms back up and watched the little girl talk at him with a soft smile.

"I didn't know Mr Aizawa had a daughter." Ren mumbled to Mirio.

"They're not related. He adopted her last year after we rescued her from a Yakuza nut job." Mirio whispered back. That's when Ren noticed what the room looked like. It was sleek and minimal, fitting to Aizawa's style, except there were bright drawings everywhere and toys scattered here and there.

'She lives here?! And I never noticed?!' Ren thought to herself.

"Eri, I brought someone here to meet you." Aizawa broke Ren's train of thought and she focused back on the little girl. He took her hand and walked with her over to Ren. The little girl clung to Aizawa's leg, concealing half of her body. "Eri, this is Ren."

Ren knelt down to the ground and tucked her feet under her butt. "Hi Eri." She said softly with a little smile.

Eri walked out from behind her hiding spot but still held onto Aizawa's pants. "Hi miss Ren." She said to her quietly.

"You can just call me Ren." Ren couldn't handle how cute she was. "I like your dress."

Eri looked down at her dress and tugged on it. "Thank you. You're very pretty."

Ren giggled and covered her face. "You think so! I think you're super pretty!"

Eri let go of Aizawa's pants and stepped a little closer to Ren. "Can I play with your hair? It's so long."

"That would be awesome!" Ren nodded. "Only if you let me braid your hair afterwards."

Eri smiled. "Yeah!"

At first, Eri tugged at her luscious blonde waves, curling and twisting her hair between her little fingers before pushing Ren's mass of hair into weird up-did. She continued to play with Ren's hair, braiding it, twisting it into buns and putting clips into it while Aizawa and Mirio sat on the couch and had a hushed conversation.

"What do you do at school, Eri?" Ren asked her while the small girl was lost behind her hair.

"I'm learning how to write. I'm behind a lot of other people so I go to a special school." She hoped in front of Ren and braided a few pieces of her hair at the front. "Sometimes it makes me feel not very smart." Eri looked at her feet and sniffed.

"I was really behind when I was little, too." Ren said.

"Really?!" Eri looked back at Ren and her eyes lit up. "You must be so smart to be in Dad's class!"

Ren chuckled. "I guess so, and I gotta work really hard cause..." Ren glanced at Aizawa before she whispered to Eri. "He's scary sometimes." Eri laughed. "I didn't know you stayed her too, Eri."

Eri plopped down in front of Ren, indicating it was her turn for hairstyling. "It's not all the time, sometimes I get to stay with Big Brother Mirio. That's really fun cause we play a lot and eat food that Daddy doesn't let me eat all the time."

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