02: The Sorting

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The corridors were empty, not surprising, considering that the sorting had already started in the great hall.

I didn't fancy walking in with the first years, so I waited behind, just for the right... Moment

"And now I would like to introduce our new transfer student, Scarlet-" Dumbledore starts

A crash interrupts him as I open the hall doors as heads fly towards me.

" She looks familiar"

"What did professor say her last name was?"

"He didn't"

Questions fall from students lips as I stride my way forward, to the sorting hat.

"Professor" I say, lazily as I sit down on the seat and the sorting hat is placed on my head.

"Hummm, it's been a few years since I've placed one of your family into a house... Your brother's house seems to be a good suit for you, although, you have a determination to prove yourself, you are brave, indeed, you are very smart, smarter then most would think.... But in the end, better be SLYTHERIN!"

I smirk as the hat gets taken off my head and the Slytherin table cheers and I walk over to them, sitting next to Draco.

"I hope you will join me in welcoming Scarlet Malfoy to the school" Dumbledore finishes as everyone erupts into whispers.

"Missed you sis" Draco says, placing his arm around my shoulders.

I smile.

Oh Hogwarts, you have no idea what this Malfoy will do this year.

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