The Hub

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The ME truck pulled up to the building. Ducky, The ME, helped me out of the van. We walked over to the elevator as Palmer cleaned up the truck.
" hey ducky, how bad is my arm?" I ask as the elevator doors closed. Ducky looks down at my arm.
" well..." Ducky starts. I knew he was trying to butter it up to me.
" Ducky Just tell me I can take it." I argue. Ducky looks nervously at me.
" its doesn't look good. You may have torn your shoulder muscle..." he responded nervously. I was shocked. That's nothing! Ive had that happen a bunch of times.
" omg Ducky you scared me, that fine ill just but a strap on and be fine." Ducky looked down at me with pride. We both walked out of the elevator as the doors opened. As we walked over to the squad room the agents stood up.
" hi again..." I say nervously. Gibbs walks over to me and moves like he's presenting me to the group.
" Kayla will be staying with us for a while, please treat her like one of your own." Gibbs says and then walks up to the directors office. My face flushes, I hate when people praise me. I look over to the woman next to me.
" Hey Ziva? Do you still have the sling?" I ask Ducky said that she had one from a undercover case she went on.
" Oh yeah!" She says opening a desk drawer and taking out a black sling and handing it to me. I Try to slowly pull it on but the pain was to much. " ah-"
" hey let me help you." ziva says as she walks around her desk grabbing the sling from my hand. She wraps the sling around my left arm. "Ah-" as she touches my arm.
"Sorry!" Ziva says finishing.
" its fine, thank you." I say smiling at her. I start to walk away then stop, remebering. "Oh Ziva where should sit?" Looking around.
" that a good question." She looks around the room. " Mcgee is almost always in Abbys lab so you can take his desk when ever he leaves but when he's here you can take mine." She concludes as she pulls a chair on the other side of her desk for me.
" you sure?" I ask, I dont want to be a bother.
" Yeah it will be...Fun having another girl to talk to here." She says sitting across from me. We immediately get to work as a pull out my laptop.
" So when do we know?" I ask outloud.
" the cabin where you were found was owned by a Navy captain , Brian Finch." Tony started bringing his chair to sit at Ziva desk. McGee seeing us all together joined in as well.
" we know he had been there recently as there was fresh finger prints on site." McGee continued.
" We but our a BOLO but haven't hear anything yet." Tony finished. I had an Idea.
" I may have a way to find him." I say opening my laptop and bringing up my search engine to the MI6 app. McGee, intrigued by what I was doing looked over. I typed in the name.
" so what is this supposed to do?" McGee asks confused.
" just watch I say." I say. The loading screen finished and I saw the whole record of Brian Finch. Things the NCIS never even knew was possible to know.
" wow..." McGee gasps.
" what finally found someone smarter than you McGeek?" Tony regards then winces as Ziva smacks him in the head.
" is this illegal?" Ziva asks.
" technically no, in the MI6 you have to know everything about everyone. Through this I'm able to see down too the littlest details about him. If he was in any tests, to if he got chosen on the baseball team as a kid. All these will help us figure out where he would be." I say triumphantly. I start to look through the fils when something pops out to me.
" uh.. guys?" I say nervously
" yeah?" The group says, even Gibbs as he walks around the corner.
" we have a problem.." I say and grab the clicker and point it to the big screen in the room. I click and a big photo comes up.
" the Guy who owned that cabin and who we need to question.. has been dead for 4 years..."
This story it fun! More content coming soon!

This chapter was made on October 27, 2020

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