2/Study Session

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I finally finished my damn homework. I hate that science teacher. She gives us so much damn homework. Granted my grades are super good and it is a high ranked class but still~ there is no use of giving me 3 assignments to do per chapter and they are so many questions~

I looked at my phone to see that it's dinner time. I fixed up my uniform and slid on my shoes so I can go to the cafeteria for dinner. I walked out of my dorm and went to the cafeteria.

As I sat down at my usual table with my food, a kid approached me. It was a boy with brown eyes and brown hair. He looked around 6 feet tall, I couldn't really tell. He sat down across from me with a smile on his face.

You: Can I help you?

Kato: Oh I'm Yamamoto Kato. You can call me Kato. Anyways I'm in your science class and I was hoping you would tutor me..?

You: Why me?

Kato: Well you have the best marks out of the whole class and uh.. I kind of suck at science.

You: Hm. Sure why not. When are you free?

Kato: My club runs till 6 pm during the week so we can meet up anytime after that.

You: You're in a club?

Kato: Yeah I'm on the male soccer team.

You: You play soccer?

Kato: Yeah..

You: I used to play soccer.. what position do you play?

Kato: Offense, sometimes goalie or mid field. How about yourself?

You: Mid field and defense.

Meanwhile a few tables away

Reon: Looks like [y/n] made a new friend.

Hayato: Good for her. She can have a decent conversation without being sarcastic.

Semi: She's a sweet girl, she is just mean to you.

Tendo: Hm.. she's smiling a lot. That's new.

Reon: Maybe they have a lot of common interests or their classmates.

The guys kept watching you from afar. They saw you and Kato laughing and talking. They saw you and Kato swapping lunches and then phone numbers.

Honestly it made all of them jealous, and it irritated your brother a bit. How open you were to Kato and how happy you looked. It was a whole different happiness that they have never experienced from you. Everything was so genuine and loving.

You finished up your food and put up your tray. They watched you get a drink from the vending machine and then walk off with Kato. You both left the cafeteria laughing and being very friendly.

Semi: I hate him.

Shirabu: You hate everything.

Reon: Don't fight. But I'm with you Semi.

Tendo: I think we all hate that dude.

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