Episode 1

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Day one.

Status: No PVP

Teams Alive: 14

(I will do 2 perspectives for each episode/day)

Iron Fist

 “Ok guys, everyone ready?” I asked. “Yup.” Replied Garret.

“OK here we go!”

Vasehh took the intro. “Hey! What’s going on people! It’s Vasehh along with Crafty Garret and Pocket Island, here, for UHC!!!!!!!!! Season 7, and guys, we are ready to go!”

“Yeah buddy!!!!!” Screamed Garret.

“Lezz goooooooooooo!!!!!”

The team began to break down trees. 

“I got food!” Volunteered Pocket. “Gotcha.” Answered Vas.

Garret added “Remember to get a huge amount of all kinds of food.” “Who knows how long that we will be underground, so we don’t want to be forced to return to the surface to get food.” After Vas had collected 2 stacks of logs he offered to go underground to begin mining. “Ok,” answered Pocket, “I’ll wait up here for apple drops. It was when he was just beginning to dig down when it hit him. Right in the head. Vas, smiled. “Apple!” He exclaimed. “This is going to be one awesome UHC!”

Day 1


“And we are ten minutes in!” Exclaimed Mitch, “Jerome is still alive!” “Not reall-” Jerome was cut off by a Bang!

·       OhTekkers was doomed to fall whilst fighting a spider

“Well!” laughed Mitch, “You’re not as dead as that guy!”

The team had collected some of the essentials, iron, 2 apples, and enough food to last for a while. However they had neglected Sugar Cane and Leather, necessary for an enchant table. The team’s basic strategy was (as explained by Ryan) “Get stuff rush into battle kill things and win!” The team was close to being fully geared up and ready for battle. Jerome was missing pants and a hat, and Ryan was missing boots. They had also found 3 gold, on their way to a golden apple.


·       Pocket Island was shot by a Skeleton.

“Welp, he’s Kudurod!” Commented Mitch with a chuckle.

“How much time do we got left buddy?” Asked Jerome.

“I don’t know how much time we got, but I do know that WE GOT DIAMONDS!!!” Exclaimed Ryan. “Sick!” Cried Mitch, “what’s the count?” “Let’s find out!” said Ryan.

“1… 2… 3” 3 is the final count!” “Noo!” howled Mitch, that’s 2 short of enchants. “It doesn’t really matter!” Laughed Jerome. “We don’t have a book!” “I know,” mumbled Mitch, “But still.” “Ok so how about this,” Suggested Ryan, “We make a diamond sword, and go up and spill some blood.”

“No!” Mitch retorted. A diamond sword only does .5 more damage, we should save them.”

“I guess you’re right.” Responded Jerome. But now that we are pretty much fully geared (they had found the remaining iron that they needed for full iron) let’s go up and hunt! “Sounds guchi!” Replied Ryan.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2015 ⏰

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