chapter 10

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Maleek's POV

Stepping out of the plane I was welcomed by the hot air accompanied with a scorching sun.

It was the rainy season and from the looks of the hot temperature maybe it will rain.

I sat at the arriving lounge waiting, Dada said she has send a driver to pick me up because I will be staying in her house, it's not like am going to my own house.

The day Dada contacted me about that offer I was completely restless as to what am going to choose.

But after some time I came to a conclusion that I will give of a try, if it doesn't work then am done trying.

I said I will never come to kano, but here I am, maybe aneesa's wish have been answered.

I waited for a while and start to get frustrated. She already knows which time am landing and whoever she send is 30 minutes late, I could've taken a cab.

Huffing in annoyance, I decided to wait for another 10 minutes, if he's not here am going.

The idea of meeting my family again was thrilling and at the same time it sends shivers down my spine . it's been years since last I saw them.

Giving up, o stood up to get a cab, taking few steps I heard someone shouting my name.


I turn around and there was Haydar, Dada's last born waving his hand frantically at me, it seems like he rushed here as he bends on his knee to catch his breath.

He stood straight and was grinning from ear to ear, he opened his mouth to talk to him but I give him no chance as I passed by him.

I head towards the exit because I was already pissed off with him, why would he be late.


I heard him calling my name but ignored him and kept working, and then I abruptly stop, I don't know his car.

"Maleek....the car is that way dude"

With that he walked away.

With a clenched jaw I walked my embarrassing self to his car and sat down without a word.

And then he start talking, God knows when he will be quite.

If there is one thing I hate about haydar is that he talks a lot, like a girl.

"Soooo, when did you arrived" he asked driving out.

I heaved a big sigh, here we go.

"Why were you late?" I asked instead.

"About that, am sorry, Dada send malam musa to pick you up, be was on his way when he got a call that his wife is terribly sick and needed to be taken to the hospital as soon as possible, he panicked and forgot to tell Dada about the new information, his wife is suffering from diabetes and she need to be admitted to the hospital for at least three to four days, it was after an hour he called her so she send me to pick you up and when..........

"Would you just shut up!!!" I shouted on the top of mg voice.

His eyes widen in shock.

"Oh, I was telling you why I was late, like you asked" he replied.

"Yeah, but did I ask you about the illness of malam musa's wife?" I asked clearly annoyed.

"I thought you will want details"

"That's a whole story not some details"

"But I just want you to fully know why.......

My murderous glare made him paused mid way.

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