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Where Am I

After school you went back home and as expected your dog Luffy greeted you and your parents werent still home

you sigh and went to the kitchen to cook the instant ramen you bought on the way home

You go to your room and finish all the assignments you had while eating

After you were done you looked at the clock and you see its 5:30pm

"Oh shoot I'm late!" You said to yourself

You put the bowl you used to put your ramen grabbed your hoodie then your shoes

"I'll see you later luffy" you said to your dog sitting and went out

You go to the play ground you used to go when you were a kid

The sun was already down and it was 6:00pm

"I didnt get to see the sunset but atleast i'll get to see the stars" you said and walk to the swings

The sky was now completly full of stars but still the moon was nowhere to be seen

You sigh "if i had more time right now i would have seen you every night but still even if i cant see you i know your here"

"What are you doing at this hour" you heard a male voice say

You looked at the male and he was wearing jacket and a hat all you can see are his brown eyes

"O-oh i was just admiring the sky" you said

"Its beautilful isnt it?" He said

"It is..." you said

"Hey, if we ever meet again have this so i know its you" the male said as he gives you a moon necklace

"H-huh? Itsnt that expensive?" You said

"Nope and besides its a gift, buying a gift is much more expensive than what you bought for the person your giving it to"


"Just take it"

"Do you really think we'll see each other again?"

"Yeah i know but for the mean time just look at the moon if you look at it im looking at it too were looking at it the same time cause were under the same sky"

"O-ok" you said and grabbed the necklace

"Well i gotta go, dont stay around here late its dangerous, Cya" he said and left

"See you" you said

"I guess he's right it is dangerous you looked at the moon necklace he gave you and said Thank you i love it"

You saw a note and it said "My Fox I Promise We'll See Each Other Again"

You smiled "I'll be waiting" You said and went back home

You got home and saw that the moon was up

You looked at the necklace the male gave you and wore it

The necklace was suddenly glowing you cover your eyes and when you open them you were laying in your bed

You looked at the clock and saw it was 4am

"Was that just a dream?" You asked yourself "maybe it was" you then decided to take a shower since it was a school day

My Beloved Fox || Kita Shinsuke X ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora