⪧ XXIV ⪦

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Kita Pov

"Y/n-chan what are ya doing here?" Kita said as he saw Y/n on the corner of the gym

"Hiding from everyone, please dont tell them Im here" Y/n pleaded

"This isnt a good place to hide, Come with me" Kita said and grabbed Y/n's hands and headed to the abandoned building next to the swimming pool

" Are we allowed in here?" Y/n asked

"Beats to me, no one really goes here" Kita said and opened the door

"You mean this is an abandoned building?" Y/n asked

"Yeah, 1 and a half year ago" Kita said

"Its still looks like the normal ones though but more traditional than modern" Y/n said

" Yeah, ya can hide here in the first floor, the second, and third I havent gone to, just the first and the rooftop"

" Why?"

" Because they're all the same, this is a school building after all"

" Hmm okay, lets go to the rooftop"

" Okay"

While the two go to the rooftop, Atsumu looks for Y/n

10 minutes ago

Osamu Pov

"Samu!" Atsumu shouted to hus twin when he opened the classroom door then goes to his brother

"What the hell do ya want? And dont just bust in here like ya own the place" Osamu said

" Help me find L/n-san" Atsumu said as sat on a chair infront of Osamu's desk and turned around

"What? L/n-san is gone?"

"I dunno, I went to her class after my class and she wasnt there anymore, A girl also went to me and told me where L/n-san hangs out after class or school and I checked the places already and she wasnt there"

" Why not just ask her sister or Kenta-san? "

" I already ask Yua-chan and she said"

" Y/n is just probably somewhere around the school, she wont go out of school you know" Yua said and walked off

" I tried to ask Kenta-san but fan girls" Atsumu said

Osamu sighs " Give me one good reason why I should help you"

" We can hang out with L/n-san"

Osamu stayed silent for a minute " Let's talk in the gym"

" Oh.. uh, okay? " Atsumu said and followed his brother to the gym

At the gym

" Why did ya wanna talk? Wer-" Atsumu got cut off

" Do ya like L/n-san? " Osamu said " before ya answer the question, let me explain why I asked ya" Osamu said and continued

" Ya always look for her after class, lunch, and after school

Im not saying its bad to like L/n-san but... Ya said you like someone else and it terrifies me..

Yer like making L/n-san yer second option when ya get rejected

L/n-san... She's like a sister to me, I want to stop her from choosing the wrong choice

But I want to know if it is the wrong choice so..

Miya Atsumu

Do you like her?"

Osamu said and Atsumu stayed silent for a good minute

"No" Atsumu said

"I also want to help L/n-san, she's like a sister to me to Samu" Atsumu said and left

Osamu sighs as he watches his brother leaving the gym

Present time

Y/n pov

"Oh look, Atsumu went out the gym, I guess it really was a good idea to hide here" Y/n said

" Yeah, its calming and no ones where you are so its quiet" Kita said

" We should hang out more Shin" Y/n said

Shinsuke stayed quiet then answered " Yeah, we should"


I just realize how messy the story is now

I apologize for that, My writing has become different

I hope you still enjoy this story

I'll put a spoiler on the next chapter

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