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Mariah pov
April 5th

"I can't believe their birthday is tomorrow " i said on the phone with mermer me and the twins was on the couch kentrell was still sleep I slept on the couch cause I didn't want to sleep with him and I was to lazy to go to a guest room

"What we finna do for it " he said I shrugged

" I thought we would be back by now but since kentrell ruined the neverland party I don't know " i said rolling my eyes mermer laughed

" it's not funny nigga " i said trying not to laughed

"Mermer" kreative said

"Wassup brats" he said she smiled

" kk you hungry " i said she started reaching for me to pick her up "dajia you hungry " I said she smiled I grabbed her too before going in the kitchen I sat them in one of the boys highchairs and looked through the refrigerator

" damnnnn" mermer said

" nigga stop looking at my ass and go find you something to eat " i said laughing

" I wasn't even-you know what imma just go find me something to eat" he said getting up I k ok laughed

"Swing by I'm finna cook" I said grabbing the eggs

" incoming FaceTime call from dumbo "

" hold up imma call you back it's dumbo" I said he laughed

" ight I'm on my way" he said before hanging up I answered kd call

" yesh" i said he laughed

" it's yes not yesh " he said

" I know what the fuck i said what you want " i said looking at the camera the back at the fruit I was cutting up

" we wanted to know if you cooking" he said I nodded

" ayeeeee stop by the store and get some bacon and pancake mix's please " I said knowing he was already coming over I hung up turned around going to the cabinet to get the salt and pepper

" I see the twins did some work" a voice behind me said I jumped

" you scared me" I mumble not looking at him

" what you making" he said

" eggs bacon pancakes and cut up fruit " i said giving the girls some fruit kentrell took on of kadajias she mugged him and started mumbling stuff he laughed

" why you won't look at me" he said

" I'm just trying to finish the food before everybody gets here" I said lying cause how imma finish with no pancake mix's or bacon The front door opened the gang walked in with no bags

" hey guys " sky said hugging me I hugged her back took lavender sat her in the other highchair and gave her some fruit

" kd where's the pancake mix and bacon " i said he looked confused I sighed grabbing my phone and FaceTime mermer

" whaddup " he said

" can you please stop by the store and get some pancake mix and bacon " i said he looked at me then back at the road

" yeah I gotchu and why you look stressed " he said

" I look stressed " i said he nodded

" yeah you do" he said looking at me

" mannn it's a lot on my mind right know that's all" i said kentrell walkes back in and sat at the island

" while you need to clear yo mind get out the house do something fun at least" he said

" mermer" kk said kentrell looked at her then me then back at his phone

" baby mermer coming you will see him in a minute " i said she frown and was about to cry I sighed giving her the phone

" kk what you eating " he said she picked up the fruit and showed him I let them talk intill he hung up

" it's ashamed how my baby talks to him more then she talks to me " kentrell said putting his phone down I didn't say nothing " you not gon talk" he said

" kk doesn't learn as fast as dajia " i said

" you invited him to my house" he said I nodded

" yeah he's coming to get breakfast with Elizabeth" I said he chuckled

" you funny thinking that nigga finna come in my house" he said I sighed taking some deep breath's before going back to cook

" Mariah yo nigga here" Ben said

" Tell him to come in the kitchen" I said soon he walked in kentrell mugged me kk stared smiling

" here you go " he said handing me the bags

" thanks" I said

" mermer mermer" kk said he picked her up

" hey lil girl " he said she started playing with his chain

" why he got my child" kentrell said mugging him

" mermer you can go in the living room i while I finish "I said he nodded putting kk down she instantly started crying which made me sigh baby sye wasn't like this

" this shit is soo funny mane " kentrell said I picked kk up

"kk please " I said letting tears drop from my eyes

" mermer" she said crying

" noooo go to yo daddy pleaseee " i said she started kicking mermer came back in

" come on child" he said grabbing her taking her in the living room


After breakfast

Mermer gave me a hug and put kk down which made her cry He was about to pick her up but I stop him

" just go I got her" I said nodded I picked her up and I walked back in the house ignored everybody stares and went to the twins room so I can have a talk with her

Kentrells pov

I stood in the hall way listening to Mariah and kreative conversation

" baby listen to me please try to connect with him his your father you making it hard for mama she already in a bad place right now and your just adding more stress too please do it for me " she said sounding like she was crying

" mama wa ba de ba" kk said Mariah said

" if you if you gonna help mama out say dada " she said it was quite for awhile

"Mermer" kk said

" noooo say dada mermer is not your dada" she said I walk in the room and stayed quiet she didn't notice me she was crying kk grabbed her face

" mama" kk said Mariah looked at her kk kissed her cheek

"  I love you too " she said kissing her forehead I walked out the room

kreavtie dosent like kentrell this is gonna cause a lotta drama

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