Chapter 1

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As you packed your bags for your 1st year at Hogwarts you felt extatic, you already knew you would love it . You placed your robes neatly in your otherwise scrappy trunk and called down to your mother that you was ready. Your father had been a wizard himself yet he left home soon after you turned 6. You was determined to find out why he vanished on that one night. "Mum" You Yelled downstairs.
"Yes?" your mother replied,
"Why did dad leave?"
Your mother didn't respond so you shut your trunk and wiped some of the muck covering your name 'Nyx Riddle'. You sighed and proceeded to carry the heavy case downstairs and placed it by the door. "Nyx ." Your mum said
"yes mum" You replied
"about your father..." she paused. You looked at her, hopeful you would finally find out. But your mother seemed so hurt. You withdrew your longing gaze for the truth and grabbed a lone waffle from the stack your visably still hurt mother had made.  You slowed grabbed the rest for the long journey to hogwarts. You remembered someone had sent you an owl saying the famous Harry potter was coming to Hogwarts this year and you felt elated you was determined to be friends with him.

Chapter 2

You arrived at platform 9 3/4 and started looking for anyone you knew. You finally found a boy called Ron yet he was sceptical after you had said her name "Your a riddle!?" Ron  gasped. "bloody hell"  You had never been told of your past so you were confused. Ron said you could sit with him as you seemed nice and that's when you noticed a boy walking in to the compartment. "hi I'm Harry, Harry potter" he said, sitting down. He looked at Ron confused. you went red and said you could leave if they wanted yet Ron persuaded you to stay and introduced you to Harry as a friend. "Harry this is Nyx , Nyx Riddle." Harry seemed uneasy so you moved back into your seat and grabbed 'A history of magic'  from your trunk.

At Hogwarts

You arrived and got off the train with Harry and Ron in your plain black robes excited to be sorted. You hoped you would be in the same house as Harry and ron. You saw Harry run up to a giant of a man so you followed him. "Hagrid!" Harry yelled in excitement. The giant of a man guided you and the rest of the first years into some boats near the black lake. You really didn't want to go in a boat but you felt safer with Harry and Ron there.


You arrive at Hogwarts and a rather old woman greets you, she was wearing a green robe and a witches hat. "I'm Proffersor McGonagall" You noticed she had a Scottish accent. "you will follow me into the great hall for the sorting ceremony, I will call your name and I shall place to sorting hat on your head. There are 4 houses, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Huffelpuff and Slytherin." When she said Slytherin she glanced at you "Follow me now" she said as the grand doors of the great hall opened, revealing 4 long tables, there were candlesfloating above you with a marvelous enchantment causing the ceiling to reflect the starry night sky. You were in awe. You noticed the too tables you were walking between were that of Gryffindor (Courage, bravery) and Ravenclaw (Creativity, cleverness) you arrived at the top of the Great hall and waited in a bundle with the other children. you heard the hat call out 'Ravenclaw!!'.  'Hufflepuff!!'. 'gryffindor!!' through the children as you waited for your turn finally you hear Mcgonagall call "Riddle,Nyx" You approach the stool and sit down, she places the hat on your head " Hmm a Riddle, I should put you in Slytherin, considering your father's influence, yes, but extreme bravery and courage and a flare of creativity, Loyal I see, Hmm, difficult you are, very difficult
You sat there, praying it wouldn't say Slytherin. The hat yelled "Slytherin!!" You got up but just before you left the stool it called out again " Gryffindor!!" You looked back at Professor McGonagall, worried. She signaled to the headmaster, Albus Percevil Wolfric  Brian Dumbledore, to help her as the hat yelled "Ravenclaw!" "Hufflepuff!!" You went red and started panicking. "Professor I'm sorry what did I do!?" She looked at you astonished as Dumbledore placed a hand on your shoulder to guide you out the great hall. Pairs of eyes and whispers followed you as you left the great hall.

Dumbledores office

Dumbledore sits you down in his office. "Nyx, now you probably have a lot of questions, and so do I"
"Professor," You say.

"Not right now, Nyx you are something called an Unsortable, there is no real way to sort you as you possess strong traits in every house.  Due to this you may pick your house, choose wisely as there is no changing your mind, you have 1 week to pick, come to my office when you have made your decision, you may sleep in the Gryffindor common room as I see you have made some friends there."


You walk out of dumbledores office and walk, starstruck, to the Gryffindor common room with McGonagall's guidance. When you arrive you run upstairs to the girl's dorms and see your trunk under the bed next to Hermione. "Nyx," She says.

"yes," you knew what was coming, "Dumbledore said I could choose my house"

"Ok, she goes, In Slytherin, you have Draco Malfoy, the human form of spoiled, he will make your life a misery, in Hufflepuff, you have Cedric Diggory, kind, loyal but a bit of a player and in Gryffindor you have us!" She remarked

"ok, I think I've picked" ou giggled, not that hard of a decision you thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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