29.Beyond The Outskirts

Start from the beginning

Was Anshu okay? I mean after mom and dad, now I too was away from her. I know she's smart, she an handle the situation, this situation tears everybody in two. 

I - I should have just ignored Vaani's words, or I at least I could have acted more maturely, but no! I replied like a five year old and ran away from the problem. Ending up here! 

"Ugh! It's all my fault!" I shouted in frustration. 

I tried numerous times in the next few hours trying to break the chains. Or at least I hoped that marvelously, the chains will click open. But the reality soon hit me hard. Nothing happened! Sad that I was neither a Wizard, nor a Kryptonian alien freak. 

"Stop it boy!" Someone shouted from behind. "It's great that you are awake, but I am no fan of that noise." 

So there were other people down here? Great that I had a company now. 

"Who are you?" I asked as I jerked my hands, still trying to get out. 

"It's not who am I. It's actually, who are we." he replied. 

"And who are we? I mean I can't see anyone." 

"We are the ones capable of seizing the heavens, the ones who own the depths, and the ones who will rule the three realms. We are the children of the dark, the descendants of Diti, the Danavas." he said as he flashed a fire torch near his face, he had long hair which he kept down, and he had pale skin. He was wearing metal armor and helm along with a spear in his hand. 

"What do you people want from me?" I managed to speak out. My body still pained and the pain increased after this man showed up. Someone shoo this man away! 

"I don't have any grudges with you boy." he replied as he pored some water for me in a wooden glass. "Drink. You haven't opened your eyes for days. You might need strength." 

Days? I was off for days? 

"How will I drink? I am chained!" I made rough movements in the support of my reply. 

The man put the glass near my mouth. So he isn't going to open the chains. I thought. 

"Now drink." He said as he tilted the glass a little. 


Somebody shouted. But the man made no response. Didn't he hear that? 

Dorphus it's me! 

Somebody shouted again. That strange manly, heavy voice belonged to only one on this planet, my bestie, my stinkfart, Ziggy. 

You idiot! Where were you for the past all months! 

"Why aren't you drinking?" the man asked again, pushing the glass against my mouth with greater force. 

Neel I will explain everything. Just listen to me right now. Don't drink that liquid. 

I jerked my head in the other direction, making the glass to fall on the floor, spilling all the liquid. 

"Boy-boy I didn't want to do this, but-" his facial expressions changed drastically, eyebrows bent down, forcefully shutting his eyes, "UGH!" he yelled as he punched me on the face, knocking me out. 

The puch was hard, damn hard. I was left numb and my eyes went black! Complete void. Feeling my consciousness failing to coordinate with my physique, senses too were lost. 

"Tie him up." the man ordered, maybe to his partners, "Maybe it's his lucky day, King Bhadra wants to meet him." 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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