4. And it all STARTED

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I returned back to my seat. We were only an hour away from Jaisalmer, I asked my sis about the beginning of the world. Being practical, she answered 'Big-Bang'.

So I practically don't understand how ZIGGY was here from the beginning of time and space. By all his behavior and traits, I made my own guess who he is. But I will not tell to you. You will get the answer when the time comes. (Actually, I got the answer just some days before my death. Don't forget that you are talking to a dead person.)

Sis took out her mobile and started watching 'Percy Jackson and the Olympians- The Lightening Thief'.

Another couple of hours passed. We finally arrived in Jaisalmer. "Want to see the hotel kids?" dad asked. We nodded our heads.  We arrived in the hotel Blue Berry.

I was tired because of such a long journey so headed straight towards the bed. How strange was this! I saw the shadow of a person near the window. I headed towards the window but was disappointed to find nobody.

But luckily, I found a piece of cloth which would had torn when the person escaped. This was the very first clue to my own puzzle. Thinking about this , I slept which was a big mistake.

When I slept, I saw another strange dream

I was in a strange place but did not know where I was. The walls of that place were covered with a strange rustic color. There were many letters engraved on the wall, but the only thing I was able to understand was a word which was in a strange color from the rest

Neel Soni

It was my own name! I was unable to set a link between my past nightmares and this mysterious dream. Then suddenly I heard the same sound which I heard in my previous dream. Suddenly the rocks I front of me dissolved and there stood a glass. In the glass I wasn't able to see clearly but wait, it was my sister Anshu, but she just seemed, older.

Suddenly the glass broke and I was out of my dream.

I woke at three a.m.  Mom and dad woke a minute later. At 4 we went took a taxi and went straight towards the temple. While we were going out of the temple, the time paused. I turned around and saw that I was the only person who was in motion. The taxi in which we came till here, blasted in front of me.
Wait! What? The car actually reassembled. This was like rewinding a scene. Everything came back to normal.
Thank god! Because this time, I was not the only one who looked stunned. Anshu was also stunned by that car blast. I could see it in her eyes.

I finally made it to the temple.

It was very-very charming as I saw in my dream but then I heard the same sound. And that was the time when I met the only person who can answer my questions.

I looked around and saw, there was a man outside the temple. He was wearing dark clothes and was suspiciously observing the temple. Mom pointed me to concentrate in the puja.

But I didn't listen. I wanted to know and clear my doubt. What was that person doing there? What was his link with my dreams? I went out in order to investigate about that person. When I reached there I saw that person spreading a 'white powder' around the temple.

Suddenly somebody kept a hand on my shoulder! I got scared! I turned around. There was standing my sister. "Neel, what are you doing here?" she asked.
I was telling her about that person. But suddenly the person noticed us. He casted a blacky-smoky mass towards us. Sis pushed me, but it was too late. It ended up hitting Sis on her left arm and i got a hit ( just like a bike rode on me) on the right portion of my chest.
My eyes went black
And then,   




I fainted.


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