Fred walked up to the table, and placed a heart locked onto the table.
Serena breathed out looking at it.
"So, its over then?" Asked Chance.
"........yeah." said Serena.
"I-ill see you guys at the concert." Said Serena before getting up and leaving Chances house.
"You think, this is gonna get bad?" Asked Amy.
"For her." Commented Yuki.
"What do you mean love?" Said Amy kissing Yuki's neck.
"Mmmm......Josh knows how to deal with his trauma, ans depression, he gets down, but knows he has a deeper drive to push through it." Said Yuki.
"Yeah." Said Chance, as the three of them, got up and went to the living room to watch TV. Fred grab the necklace from the table, knocked on Joshs door.
"What?" I said tiredly.
"Its me." Said Fred anxious.
"Doors open, make it quick." I said sitting up, my hair was half back and the other half was covering my right eye hanging down my face. As I pushed my hair from my right eye, I saw Fred holding, that heart locket, necklace.
"She bought this? For you." Probed Fred. I smiled and laid on my back.
"Is that all you wanted?" I asked.
"JUST ANSWER ME?!" Fred shouted.
"Yeah, she was the one, who bought it." I said turning on my side.
"Was she scared of you leaving, her side?" Asked Fred.
"I don't know, she never told me anything negative, maybe it was just me dreaming, that this one, would be different, the more things change, the more things stay the same." I said.
"Did you?" Asked Fred.
"......yeah, I did, she gave me what u wanted, a partner, a place to lust, affection, comfort, and a outlet. Doesn't matter, I'm single, once again, just left with a empty heart." I said before falling asleep.
As Fred left, closing thr door Chance hugged him, from behind.
"Come here, you, I want some love, before Chance and Fred started making out in the hall.

As the hours went by, I sat up, looked at myself seeing my bed head, my hair covering my right eye, I grabbed my converse from underneath my bed slipping them on. As I got up, I didn't hear anyone, I looked outside the window, and jumped out the window, landing softly on the grass. I walk through the streets seeing signs, on public places, no centaurs?, or was strange, I had forgotten here in Tokyo, centaurs were discriminated against since ancient times, it was sad, but thats how life is, I understand how they feel, but we all have struggles, you just have to take life one step at a time. As I slowly walk up the back of the stadium, I see Fred waiting, holding a silver chain in his hands.
"Your late." He spoke.
"........." I said nothing yanking the necklace from his hands, tossing is around my neck, as I opened thr door to the back, I saw a group of faces look at me.
"Omg, here sir?!" Yelled one of the workers.
"Yeah." I spoke, as I walked through the back hallway, I could hear the end of a song, as I was lead back stage, I coild see chance, opening a chair, as I sat down, I felt hands placing jewel over my hands, and wrist.
"About time?!" Shouted Jess. I smiled. As I got up from the chair the workers had a change of clothes, as I slipped on the clothes, and came out, everyone gasped.
"What do I got something on my face?" I asked.
"No, you just look like more of a star." Said another cast member. I sighed.
As I see baby metal, I make a disgusted look on my face.
"Glad to see you too." Moa in a sarcastic tone.
"Cmon let's get back out their!" Said Suzuka excited.
"Fine fine." I said as I did I saw Chance holding my pink guitar.
"Uh thanks?" I asked. I felt chsnce grip my hand when I grab my guitar from him.
"Its ok, let it out if you need to." Chance said.
"Im fine really, I already broke once before haha." I said before walking out on stage, I glanced seeing a massive crowd, amd towards both sides of the stage, I saw dancers, next to hooker poles, ans thought oh boy this is gonna be stressful.

"Hey everyone, um haha sorry I'm late." I said bowing. As I did I heard a enormous crowd scream, I smiled and put the guitar on flipping it behind me, as I walked towards the end of the stage, I could a few centaur in the front row, they looked at me with adoring eyes, I put my head down and walked down the stairs to them.
"Hello." The one I talked to staggered to speak. I smiled.
"Happy to be here?" I asked her. She nodded rapidly.
"Got a name?" I asked, she panted and her friends spoke up for her.
"Emily." They said. I moved the gate blocking them and put my hand on her arm.
"Relax girly." I said and Emily blushed bright red. Her friends made a excited giggle.
"Did you have any problems, any three of you?" I asked the three centaurs.
I look at Emily who didn't say anything.
"Well, I hope not, because my music is for all, races, human, or monster then you three come with me." I said backing up leaving the gated area, they stopped, I looked back.
"Haha don't be scared trust me you'll enjoy this." I said as I walked up a few steps they looked at me embarrassed.
"What afraid your to heavy?" I asked.
"Haha as far as I'm aware this stage is made of the strongest metal known to man and monster haha." I said as I walked onto the stage, they stepped onto the stage shyly.
"You always were a sucker for cute faces Josh." Commented Moa.
"You got that right." Said Jess.
"What can I say I just love showing new comers the best experience, they'll feel for their first rock concert." I explained.
"You can tell?" Asked one of Emily's friends.
"Of course, now then, what are your names?" I asked.
"Oh im tanya, and this centorea. Said Tanya.
"Nice to meet you." Said centorea.
"This is thr good part stand by whoever you feel comfortable with." I said.
"Really?!" Said Tanya.
"Of course!" I said smiling. Tanya walked over to moa, centorea walked by jess, and Emily just stood beside me.
"Haha I'm flattered, just stay close to me ok?" I said. Emily nodded. I glanced at Moa.
"You sure know how to show first timers a good time." Moa said.
"You wanna start with another song or shall i?" I asked as I did the crowd got loud. Tanya smiled excited, centorea giggled thrilled.
"The floor is yours josh." Said Moa.
"Ah your too kind, what says you Tokyo, what shall I sing for you all?" I asked as I felt a assistant placing a mic on my ear, before I spoke.
"Carry on!?" Yelled the crowd.
"Haha you people want me to sing loud I see?" I said.
"YEAH?!" the crowd yelled.
"Start her off Josh." Said Jess. I smiled and flipped my guitar to the front of me, taking off my jacket putting it on Emily, she smiled at me, and I smiled at her like a idiot.
"Hold onto my shirt, when I start moving far away from you, just when you feel scared other than that have fun?" I explained. Emily nodded.

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