Bright lights

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  One day a teenage girl was coming from a basketball game out of town. She was heading home and started to drive off. Suddenly someone turned on their high beams and were following her in another car. At first she thought they were gonna just pass her but they never did, and everywhere she went he went and the gie following her would turn off his high beams and turn them off every once in a while. When she got home the guy was there too with a gun in his hand. The girl yelled for her father to call the police and ran into her home and locked the doors but the man outside waited for the police. When the police came they started to arrest him but he just said,"Its not me you want...its him"! All attention pointed to the man in the back seat of the car with a knife in his hand. The man that was following the girl in the car explained that he saw the man slip in the car after the game...and every time the man reached up with the knife he turned on his high beams so the man would be afraid to be seen.

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