eye for an eye

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Once a man wanted to check into a hotel. When hr was in the front the lady told him that I n the way to his room was a door with no numbers on it, and that under any circumstances not to look in it. The man did as he was told and went straight to his room reluctantly. The next morning his curiosity just wouldn't leave him alone, so he looked the the keyhole of the door. What he saw was a lady with very pail skin leaning on the wall sitting in a chair in the corner facing the other way so she was showing her back, the man stared in awe for a while,and was going to knock but decided not to and this decision saved his life.....the next day he was bring nosy so he looked again. This time the woman living there must know he was looking because she covered it with a red objest...all red nothing moving just red.......

So the man demanded an answer from the lady at the front of what was going on , lady asked if he had looked in the keyhole....the man admitted he had and after the ladyscolded him she began a. Story...."A long long time ago a woman and her husband lived there...but the husband murdered his wife and now his wifes ghost huants it,but that ladies ghost wasn't ordinary. The ghost was pale everywhere on her body , except for her eyes....which where red. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I hope u like the story I tried....bad night! Have terrifying nightmares!!!

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