Chapter 1

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This story is called 'The Great MSG.' Because that's the promise I made to my self a few months ago🙁. It's kinda short though but it's kinda greay. Most of us dont focus on our religion because of our career (either singing,designing etc) we focus more on how to become famous and be successful in life not remembering the day we will die and what we will tell our Creator when we die. We focus more on social media than our du'a. We often forget that we are going to die but the good thing is that most of us focus more on Allah and our deaths. Most of us tend to the think of our deaths and fear our deaths😔. We forget about the temporary Duniya and think more of our After life.
One of my favourite artists "THE GREAT MSG" gave up music for his life and for his Creator and his religion. The gave it all up. The thought of death and Fear of Allah kept on crossing his mind a million times. He then decided to give up but let's go through a little of story of his life...

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