part 1

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** So this is the Second story I publish here, I don't actually know if I'll continue my other, I thought it was too boring and stuffs but if u want me to I'll do it, just comment .xx I hope you like my new one, I'll publish this here on Wattpad and at YouTube :) x Sorry if there's spelling or grammar fails, I'm swedish and tries to do my best :3 I have the same name on YouTube as here x **


                                                                      - PART ONE -

Louis POV:

Beep..beep..beep, the regular sound of a EKG machine wakes me up and I breathe heavily before I slowly open my eyes, everything is blurry and the light cuts into my eyes, I close them again as I can hear someone walk inside


Hi Louis, how do you feel?

Louis POV:

Um good I think, I say and I open my eyes again but not that wide this time, she’s all blurry but it seems like she has brown hair.... , or black?  Whatever…


Your eyes will be better, you’re just not used to the light

Louis POV:

You don’t say? I say and sigh.


I know this will be a bit chock for you but…. the last time you were awake was six months ago, I know you don’t remember but you were in a car accident….

Louis POV:

I’m trying to understand what she’s talking about but I can’t, I’ve been in coma for six freaking months?! Unaware of what happens in the rest of the world, I’ve been in my own instead…? And she’s right, I can’t remember anything… this can’t be true, I can’t even remember my own parents…then it occurs to me, is my parents even alive..?

Where are my parents? I ask, sounding like a little kid at the first day of school.


Oh… I am sorry to say… they didn’t make it…

Louis POV:

I didn’t know what to say or how to act, I couldn’t remember them, any memories or their faces, nothing…. I just felt empty.

Do I have any siblings? I ask in hope of not being left all alone.


No… I’m sorry, if you want to talk to someone there’s a counselor at the hospital.

Louis POV:

No thanks, I say.

Well I'm all alone… but friends? Didn’t I have any at all?

No one is here and visiting me, I probably didn’t have any...?

I try to open my eyes wider again, the light’s still cutting into my eyes but the blurriness is slowly disappearing and I can see more details now, I seem to be alone in the room except of the nurse by my side, I look at her, okay she had red hair… well there…

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