Chapter 10

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Back to Hermione's POV:

The hallways of Hogwarts sped past her as she ran away from her two best friends. Hermione realized this wasn't the best thing to do and it was quite immature but she just couldn't stand to look at them. It was too embarrassing. After she just passed out in class they were bound to ask questions.

Once she finally got to the Griffindor common room she was struck with tons of noise. Hermione immediately noticed Fred and George playing music with bunches of students surrounding them. They seemed to be celebrating something. She tried walking past without anyone noticing, but of course, she failed.
"Oy, Hermione! Come join the fun!" Fred and George corrused simultaneously.
"Ummm...I think I'm just going to head up to bed." She answered in a wobbly voice. She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes and after the stress of  today, all she wanted was to go to bed. Fred nodded.
"Okay, well you're totally missing out!" George said before turning back to all the griffindors.

Hermione quickly walked up the stairs, trying to avoid people. Once she finally saw her fluffy bed that looked like clouds, she immediately threw her whole body onto it. And even though she had just took a long fulfilling nap, she felt her eyelids begin to droop. Nobody was in the girls dorm so she could just fall asleep without disruption. So she did, letting all her worries drift away.


Hermiones eyes fluttered open and the first thing she saw was a dark room. She turned her head to look at her red clock and it read 2:00 A.M. And she wasn't even tired anymore. The soft sounds of the other girls snores was all that could be heard.

She decided to go down to the common room so she could maybe relax a little. That way she could try to get some more sleep. Nobody would be down there anyways.. So, as she tiptoed down the stairs, Hermione was trying to be as quiet as possible.

Once she finally made it to the end of the staircase she slowly opened the door. Hermione walked over to the deep red couch and sat down, staring at the crackling flames in the fireplace.

She relaxed for a while, just sitting and thinking, when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey Hermione," Ron stated. Hermione jumped and looked up at Rons freckled face. Behind him was Harry, looking nervous but worried all at the same time.

"Oh....erm...hi," Hermione answered back. She didn't know what to say. Ron and Harry walked around to the couch and they sat on opposite sides of her.

" 'Mione we aren't asking you to tell us what happened" Harry said, "Me and Ron just want to make sure you're...okay."

"Yeah." Ron said as he smiled lightly. Hermiones cheeks turned a little pink as she thought of something to say to that. She couldn't just run off like last time. So, she took a deep breath, and just started talking.
" I'm okay but see....the thing is....I erm....I passed out because my stomach was....hurting...and thats well....its just..." she seemed to not find the words to explain, all the while Harry and Ron looked at her expectantly. "IT'S BECAUSE OF MY PERIOD!" Hermione burst out. Her eyes grew wide and the two boys looked just as surprised.

"Bloody hell," was all Ron got out. Of course he didn't know what to say but he sure could've refrained from saying that. Bloody hell sure is not the best thing to say in reference to a period. Harry just stared at her, dumbstruck. Hermione felt her cheeks growing more and more red as time went by with pure silence. It was 2:00 in the morning and here she was, sandwiched between Ron and Harry, just sitting in complete and utter silence. Suddenly, Hermione burst out laughing. Her two best friends looked at her as if she was crazy.

"What's so funny? " Ron asked, a small smile forming on his lips. Hermione gasped for air because her whole entire body was shaking from laughter.

" Hermione?" Harry said. Ron looked at both of them and started to laugh too.  The contagious giggles were spreading. She was wheezing by now and she didn't even know what was actually funny. Harry eventually joined in and soon all you could hear was the echoes of three kids laughter filling the room.

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