Chapter 4

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     After a few classes that day Hermione was beginning to think that the cramps she had experienced that morning was just a one time thing. Maybe even just very bad hunger pains. But even so it seemed to her that today was a bit of an unusual day. Hermione had a break during lunch so there she sat without the confused glances from Harry and Ron, at the library desk. She was reading one of her favorite books, History of Magic. Sadly, Hermione wasn't really focused on that but more so distracted by her thoughts. She was so engulfed in them that she didn't even see Ginny walking toward her, the huge bookcases towering over her.

     "Hey Hermione. Ron was telling me how weird you've been acting today. Are you sure you're okay?" Ginny said as she sat beside her. Hermione gave a jump and turned toward her best friends little sister.

     " Oh. Well...." She stared intently at the small red-haired girl sitting next to her. Ginny is a girl. And she must be what? 12 or 13. Yes. So Hermione probably could confide in her the troubles she'd experienced today.

     "Yes?" Ginny said, her freckled face becoming more serious.

     "Well I have been having some girl problems..." Hermione stated with a quick inhale.

     "Oh. Well what kind of problems?" Hermione suddenly had a sinking feeling in her gut. Had Ginny never experienced it before?

     "Well. I woke up at four last night to a sharp stabbing feeling in my gut. I could barely move. And the.."

     "Oh, that sounds terrible! Maybe you should go to the hospital wing." Ginny said with a concerned expression. Hermione waved her hands in exclamation.

     "No! No. Im fine now. Really it doesn't hurt anymore. Anyway, as I was saying. I didn't sleep a wink after that and finally, when everyone was getting down to breakfast, I was still in bed with cramps. When I did try to get up I saw I was late. So I got ready as fast as I could, " Hermione decided against telling Ginny a few embarrassing details.

     " Wow. I didn't even know you were feeling that way this morning. Im sorry." Ginny suddenly wrapped her arms around Hermione and gave her a giant warming hug.

     "Ginny, I really am fine. I'm okay." Ginny let go of the hug and gave Hermione a big smile.

     " Look. If there is anything you need. Just come to me. I've already had it." Hermione realized what Ginny was talking about. She knew what "it" was. Ginny had looked a bit more grownup this year. She instantly felt relieved.

     "Good then. Thanks for the support....and the hug" Ginny nodded, waved goodbye and left as soon as she had come. Hermione was quite happy to have someone to relate to. A girl. Harry and Ron were no help when it came to this stuff. In fact, she would be mortified if either of them had found out. The soft clunking of books being put back and the smell of parchment made her much more calm. She then became much more interested in the giant book that was set in front of her.

Hermione Granger: CrampedWhere stories live. Discover now