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Graeysonn- Thank you so much for the votes and comments! It's motivating me to keep writing. Are there anything you'd like to see happen / see more of?

Edited 2022

𝗖𝗔𝗦𝗦𝗔𝗡𝗗𝗥𝗔 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗠𝗔𝗦𝗢𝗡 where found hours later laying on the ground in a pool of blood. Cassandra was shot through the chest in an artery, she couldn't last long enough for help and passed a couple minutes later beside Mason.

Mason was paralyzed in shook, the bullet had gone an inch past her with it impaling. She couldn't move and watch Cassandra's eyes glaze over and her body slowly become stiffer as the life left her. By the time someone found them, Mason was passed out and barley breathing. Grizz found them.

Grizz hadn't left her side in the hours since she came home. When he was asked to dig the grave for Cassandra, Mason spoke for the first time insisting she helped.

"Guys, it's all uneven." Luke protested.

Grizz nodded, his mind else wear. "You gotta smooth out the sides, guys."

"How hard is it to dig a hole?" Clark said as he climbed out of the hole.

"i don't know, but it's not something I want to get good at," Grizz mumbled as he took Clark's spot in the hole.

"Gordie said there's a funeral at twelve." Mason whispered faintly.

"Are you sure that it's a good idea for you to go?" Grizz asked climbing out of the hole and standing in front of the pale girl. She ignored him. "Don't push me away."

Mason stared blankly at Grizz for a couple seconds before turning around and walking towards his car. Her way of saying she's done with being here and the conversation.

. . .

At twelve o'clock most of the town gathered in the church. Mason had changed into a pair of black jeans and a black long sleeved shirt. She ignored Grizz the whole drive, taking a seat away from him in the church.

The doors slammed open and everyone turned in there seats to look at Campbell and Harry who stood in the middle of the aisle looking lost and knowing very well they're not wanted.

"Get the fuck out!" Mason shouted, walking over to them with Gordie and Grizz rushing after her. "You're not welcome here."

"Stop, Allie doesn't need this and you're making it worse," Grizz whispered gently placing a hand on her arm.

She stepped back and looked up at Grizz, "Are you serious right now?"

Grizz kept his mouth shut and looked at her with broken words in his hazel eyes. He couldn't understand what she had gone through watching Cassandra die, but he knew he didn't deserve her attitude.

Campbell and Harry whispered an apologetic reason for coming, and Gordie made the decision that they could stay. Mason rolled her eyes and walked back to her spot.

"My sister, Cassandra, was ... good," Allie said walking up to the podium, "She was a good person, she was captain of the debate team, you=you didn't want to argue with her.

She had tears forming in her eyes as she looked around the room, "Who did this? Who shot my sister. Why did you do that? We needed her!"

As Allie started to break down, she fell to the floor in front of Cassandra's body. Will rushed up taking her in his arms as the boys walked up and picked up the sheet, laying her to rest in the hole they dug.

As the boy's one by one dumped dirt onto her body, Mason noticed a former friend of hers hanging behind the church.

"Hey Ollie," She shouted walking up to the tall angry looking boy, "Do you still sell?"

"Not to you," He scoffed. "You know very well that I'm never selling to you again."

"It was on slip up, Ollie. Come on. A baggy for eight? I'll even toss in another twenty." Mason pleaded.

He let out a smokers laugh,"What the fuck am I gonna do with money around here? I don't care what you offer me, I'm not selling to you."

"If you don't sell to me I'll go to someone else." She scoffed turning around briefly before the boy let out a groan, "Once. That's all I'm looking for. Something to get me through the week. Fuck, I just saw someone die."

"You better not tell anyone or my ass is on the line, Bingham." Ollie groaned, fishing in his pocket before tossing a bag of pills. "Your perfect boyfriend would kill me."

"He wont find out."

"Yeah, and what about the big brother Harry? He won't find out, or are you gonna sibling bond over drugs?" He grinned.

"Fuck you." Mason growled, shoving a couple pills into her mouth before turning around leaving the boy alone.

. . .

"We need to be careful," Will said as the group started to surround the kitchen table. He had called a meeting between Grizz, Luke, and Clark and Allie. Considering it was at Grizz's house, Mason had over heard. "What do we do. Less than half the kitchen showed today."

"It's not just the kitchen staff, no one picked up the garbage all weekend." Grizz pointed out.

Mason kept quite as she sat in the living room. Cassandra was shot about a week ago and the town had started to fall apart. Grizz was growing more worried with Mason's manic behaviour. She was distant and kept to herself a lot.

Grikzz thought she was still grieving. Mason thought the drugs helped.

"If we don't follow the work schedule we're screwed." Will informed everyone. "They're already raiding the kitchen pantry, broad daylight, no one gives a shit. Gordie is right."

"What are you talking about," Allie spoke.

"You need to stop up," Grizz explained, "We need to enforce the work lists. It's getting really bad out there."

"It's bad enough without her, we can't let the rules go too." Luke added.

The sound of the front door slamming shut let Grizz know Mason had left the house. Everyone was silent, they all had noticed his friends relationship was becoming empty.

Almost as empty as Mason.

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