"We'll be waiting at the rendezvous point. See you soon." Shiro said before ending the transmission.

I sighed and leaned back against my chair, closing my eyes to relax in the self created darkness.

"Saoirse, you okay?" Pidge asked.

I nodded and opened my eyes to look back at my friends' worried faces.

"I'm all right, just a little overwhelmed by this. " I said, "I mean, Honerva is strong enough to break into Oriande. And the stars are constantly afraid of the Robeasts. I'm just afraid of what could happen."

Just as I said that, Kosmo appeared next to me. He whined and placed his head on my lap.

I looked down at the cosmic wolf and smiled at him, stroking his soft fur.

"Thanks, Kosmo." I said, "I'm gonna get some sleep. Wake me up when we're there, okay?"

Everyone agreed and told me to have a good sleep. I took off my armor and laid down on my bed, Kosmo lay down next to me, warming me up with his soft fur and gently lulling me to sleep.


We flew for hours, following the path to our rendezvous coordinates. I was worried when Saoirse didn't wake up, but she hasn't been sleeping well so I just let her rest for the time being.

Just then the Atlas contacted us. Shiro's face didn't appear on my screen, but his voice was coming through clearly.

"Paladins, there's been a change of plans. We just discovered that our rendezvous point has been compromised by the Galra. Meet us at these new coordinates." Shiro said.

"Copy that. Keep us updated." I replied.

"Roger that."

I entered the new coordiantes into my computer and we changed course to the rendezvous point.

A few more hours and we finally came up on our rendezvous point. We looked out at the planet we were set to meet Shiro and the Atlas.

It was a red and black planet, covered in fire and smoke with barely any signs of life around. It even seemed as if it was breaking apart. And there was no sign of the Atlas anywhere nearby.

"Coming up on rendezvous point. Straight ahead." Pidge said as we approached the planet, "Can someone wake up Saoirse?"

"No need, I'm awake." Saoirse answered.

We landed cautiouslyon the planet's surface. None of us moved from our places, taking in the surrounding area. There were several volcanoes around us and bounded trees still scorching from the lava rivers flowing down the mountain.

"Anyone else find it odd that Shiro changed the rendezvous point to this?" Hunk asked.

"Yeah, count me in on that one, Hunk." Saoirse agreed, "The energy here is almost dead. Not exactly the more vibrant place for a rendezvous. Why would my brother choose this place to meet?"

"I'm reading high CO2 and low oxygen in the atmosphere." Pidge informed us, "We'll need our suits to breathe if we go out there." Pidge said.

"I'm not going out there." Hunk said. All of a sudden, the monitors beeped.

"They're here." I said.


I waited with the others, expecting to see the Atlas float down to meet us. But instead, I felt hateful energy coming through the clouds.

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