"It's not safe," responded Caitlin.

"Cait, I have to go," said Ronnie before giving her a kiss and then running out with Cisco.

After a few minutes, Caitlin and Sophia looked at each other, and decided to go after them. They rushed to the pipeline to find Cisco in front of a closed door with a upset look on his face.

"Where's Ronnie? Cisco, where is Ronnie?" asked Sophia with worry.

"He's still inside," he answered.

"What? Open the door," said Caitlin with wide eyes.

"I can't. We're in locked down mode," said Cisco while shaking his head.

"Cisco, we have to get him out or he'll die," said Caitlin.

"Cisco, can you hear me?" said Ronnie through a the radio in Cisco's hand.

Caitlin grabbed the radio and said into it, "Ronnie, it's me."

"Caitlin, is Cisco there?" asked Ronnie.

"Yeah, Ronnie, I'm here," said Cisco to the radio in Caitlin's hands.

"I adjusted the magnets to the redirect the beam. To try and vent the systems so the blast goes up and not down." said Ronnie to Cisco.

"I'll need to reset the particle parameters to compensate," said Cisco, running to the screen next to the pipeline door.

"Cisco's on it," said Sophia into the radio still in Caitlin's hands.

"There has to be another way out of there. You have to find it," Caitlin told Ronnie.

"Cait, the chain reaction. I can't reverse it. The doors need to stay shut to protect you guys." said Ronnie, "Are you still there?"

"I'm here with Sophia," said Caitlin trying her best not to sob.

"Sophia, take care of Caitlin," said Ronnie.

"I promise," said Sophia with tears in her eyes.

"Caitlin, whatever happens-" said Ronnie before he got cut off as the building began to shake.

"Ronnie!" yelled Caitlin as tears fell down her cheeks.


Nine months later...

Nine months after the particle accelerator explosion, Dr. Wells had brought in Barry Allen who fell into a coma after being struck by lighting that night. Cisco, Caitlin, and Sophia have been taking care of him since.

The three of them were in the cortex while Cisco played Lady Gaga's Poker Face on the speakers and Sophia ate Twizzlers.

"What are you doing?" Sophia asked Cisco while he looked at Barry.

"He likes this song," said Cisco with a smile.

"How could you possibly know that?" asked Caitlin as she walked toward them with her arms crossed.

"I checked his Facebook page. I mean, he can hear everything, right?" said Cisco as he took the Twizzler Sophia was eating.

"Get your own and you're right. Auditory functions are the last sensory faculties to degenerate." said Sophia.

Sophia laughed as Cisco sung to the song before all of a sudden we heard a gasp. Turning around we saw Barry sitting up straight.

"Oh, my god," said Cisco.

"Where am I?" asked Barry, looking around to see where he was.

"He's up," said Sophia.

Cisco walked over to the radio," Dr. Wells get down here to the Cortex, like right now."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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