Chapter Ten: All To Myself

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CHAPTER TEN: All To Myself

Jack's Point Of View:

Typical Talia, walking into work late on a Wednesday morning. I beamed at her as she rushed through the front door of the restaurant. She didn't look my way at first as she threw her stuff down in the back.

"Good morning. Have a good snooze?" I asked smugly as I approached her. She looked up at me with twinkling eyes and a goofy smile that made me laugh. "What's got you in such a good mood there Princess?" I asked teasingly. She focused her eyes on something behind me in the distance to keep her eyes from meeting mine and I could see her cheeks begin to fluster with a berry red. I stared down at her anxiously waiting for her to answer. "I had a good sleep." She shrugged me off still not looking at me as she made her way over to behind the bar.

I threw the dish towel I was holding over my shoulder as I turned on my heels to follow her. "Oh really?" I asked not buying into her cheap answer. "Really." She replied simply without realizing that she had begun pacing around trying desperately not to look at me. I grinned, knowing exactly what was up with her.

"What's his name?" I watched as her eyes widened and her cheeks get rosy red. She began to giggle like a little school girl and that was her final tell. Talia's eyes finally wandered up to mine. "You don't know him." She managed to mutter. I gave her a quizzical look and began asking her questions.

"Where did you meet him? What's he do for a living? Where does he live? Can I kick his ass if he ever hurts you?" Talia giggled even more but refused to answer any of my questions as she shooed me back to the kitchen when customers started piling in.

I distractedly stared at Talia most of the morning trying to figure out who could've made her this giddy. I watched as she danced around tables delivering food to the people in the restaurant with a bright smile. I shook my head as I watched her, I was definitely going to kick this guy's ass if he ever broke her heart.

A few minutes before Talia and I had a lunch break she was helping out with dishes in the kitchen and I had taken over at the bar. I glimpsed over at Talia through the little window that separated the kitchen from the rest of the restaurant as I scrubbed the bar counter.

Gosh I loved this girl, she was the beaming ball of light that made my life worth suffering through for the past year. I turned to face the door to the restaurant and it finally dawned on me. There stood the 6'2 pale guy with stupid black, silver and blue hair wearing jeans that seemed uncomfortably tight and a black dress shirt.

I rolled my eyes as I thought to myself, "Not this douchebag again." I watched him from behind the bar as he strode over to me. "Hey you!" He nodded at me to get my attention. "Do you know where Talia-" He cut off mid sentence as he caught sight of Talia in the back. He smiled from one side of his mouth stupidly at her.

As Talia looked up and saw him her face lit up with that giggly smile spreading across her face again. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and rolled my eyes when she dropped everything and took off running from the kitchen over to the douchebag. She crashed into his chest and he embraced her in his arms.

I looked away and thought to myself; Forget kicking his ass when he broke her heart, I was ready to take him down now. Talia stared up at the guy like he was a god, "What are you doing here?" I felt my body tense up as the guy moved his hands to her waist and smiled down at her. "I came to take you out." I watched Talia's face go bright red as she bit her lip. "You came all this way for me?" She giggled up at him. I couldn't let this nonsense go on any further. I coughed loudly and suggestively as I stared towards Talia.

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