Chapter Two: Another Face in the Crowd

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CHAPTER TWO: another face in the crowd.

I turned my back to the man in an attempt to get his stench away from my nostrils. Just as I did a group of rowdy guys walked through the door. If there was one thing I didn't like more than pubs it was guys with their friends. That was always trouble. I looked over the group quickly to get a better idea of what type of guys I'd be dealing with for the next little while. I did a brief head count, one, two- Five. My face fell slightly at this information. I looked back over and checked out each guy individually this time.

Suddenly my eyes widened. I stared over in disbelief, it was the band I'd just gone to see. I immediately slouched down on my bar stool almost falling over trying to get out of sight. "I definitely look like complete shit right now." Was the only thing I could think about. Then something hit me. "Wait, what if he noticed me. What if the guy who made eye contact with me...." My thought trailed off with disappointment. "Like that would ever happen, I'm just another face in the crowd." I told myself under my breath.

The bar tender walked over to inform me that my "Hamburger was almost done." I argued with myself about telling her that she got my order wrong, but I felt as though her taking my order in the first place already pissed her off enough. I thinly smiled and mumbled an insincere thank you. Just then in the corner of my eye I saw one of the guys from the band get up and start heading in my general direction. My heart started beating out of time. Did he notice me?

I felt my face fall and my body slouch even lower on my stool as the guy walked over to the bar. For starters it was the band's guitar tech, Brett. Which is great and all, but not who I was hoping for. But almost as an extra "Talia, you're dumb" all he walked up here for was another round of shots. I glanced over at him from behind my bangs that now covered my face. To my surprise he looked back at me too. I probably looked like a deer in headlights as he smiled and turned away. I knew only too well that my face looked like a tomato.

To my rescue the bar tender arrived with my unordered hamburger. I managed to almost whisper out a thank you and began picking at what sat in front of me. You couldn't really call this a hamburger. The patty was odd coloured and falling apart, while the lettuce was tinged brown and shriveled. The bun looked like something someone sculpted in wood shop, it seemed to be as solid as wood anyway. Just for fun I poked the shell like bread. Rock solid. I rolled my eyes for what seemed like the tenth time tonight, "Just my luck".

I decided it was best if I didn't eat it and paid the peachy bar tender $5.75. "A little expensive considering I couldn't eat it" I huffed under my breath. I turned and looked outside through the window near the door. I chuckled as it was exactly what I was expecting; dark and appeared cold. It was time to suck it up and endure the outdoors.

I looked over to the table where the band sat for the last time to see them laughing amongst each other. I couldn't help but smile, it made me think of my friends back in Ontario.

On that note I pushed open the door and walked towards the edge of the road. I looked both ways. To my right there was a few cars and a fairly empty parking lot. On my left was the gigantic closed mall and an office building. I sighed, how was I going to get home with only $4.25 in my pocket?

I stepped back over to the pub and sat down with my back against the concrete wall. I repeatedly hit the back of my head against the wall trying to come up with a magical way to get home. I let out a loud moan of frustration. I was cold, tired and still hungry. Could this night get any worse?

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