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"Woah!" I felt my heart beat happily in my chest while I stared at the front gates of the school, Mr. Aizawa, also known as Eraserhead, standing beside me. "This place is so big!"

"Come on. The dorms are this way," he walked through the gates without a second glance, my feet following after him. I couldn't help but glance at each building we passed, admiring each one. My leg that was wrapped before was now healed, thanks to Recovery Girl (who introduced herself to me when she visited), but my arm was still in a cast and would have to stay that way for a little longer until the bones fixed themselves.

Mr. Aizawa stopped in front of a building, I was guessing it was the dorms. I stopped beside him, glancing at the building before looking at the tired man. He knew the question I was asking as he said, "Everyone knows what happened, and I hope they respect that. I'm not sure all of them will, but we'll walk in together."

I smiled and nodded at the teacher, walking up the steps to the porch. Without reaching for the door, the doors swung open and there was a blond boy with yellow eyes looking at me with surprise, a smile on his face. "Midoriya! Good to see you're back! We missed you!"

I suddenly became shy as he grabbed my uninjured hand, dragging me into the building. Aizawa sighed behind me, following me frustratedly.

"So I'm Denki Kaminari, this is Minoru Mineta," the blond quickly began, pointing to a boy with purple hair that was super short. Then he listed a bunch of names, pointing to each person. I'll be honest: I lost track after Mineta, my brain about to jump out of my head until Aizawa cut in.

"Kaminari, that's enough," he pushed me behind him, putting distance between me and the boy he was speaking to. "He just got back and he's already overwhelmed. You need to calm down and give him some space."

I peeked from behind the father-like figure, watching the reaction of Kaminari. "Sorry, Mr. Aizawa. I didn't mean to."

The teacher sighed with disappointment before turning to me. "Do you want to go to your room?"

I slowly nodded, cradling my casted arm as I looked at him. I felt overwhelmed, and it was a lot being here. Not only was it my dream school, but I somehow got into the heroes course. It was a lot, and I honestly had no clue how to react.

"Bakugou," the teacher called out. "Show him to his room."

"What? Why me?" The blond growled at the teacher.

"You're the only one he knows," Aizawa deadpans before turning to me. "If you need anything, just tell me. I'll be checking on you daily."

I nodded, accepting this as a friendly gesture. After Aizawa left the building, Bakugou grabbed my uninjured arm and dragged me to the elevator. I stumbled behind the childhood friend, keeping my balance as I caught up. "I'm sorry," I apologized softly.

"For what, you stupid Deku?"

"For inconveniencing you," I explained as he pressed the elevator button to open the doors.

He clicked his tongue and turned his face away so I couldn't see his face. "It's fine. Just don't hurt yourself more, dumbass."

I didn't reply as the elevator doors opened. I stepped in behind Bakugou, his hand dropping from my wrist. He looked at me to say something, but stopped himself and sighed, pressing the second floor. I was guessing he was going to ask what floor I was on, but he must've figured out that I definitely knew less than he did.

"Just look for the room that has your last name on it," he huffed as the doors opened to the second floor. "If you can't find it, go floor by floor. My room is on the third. Don't ask me for anything, 'cause I won't help you."

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