"It's how Garcia connected them, I just called one person while she's been doing the hard work."

"Aw Archer you're making me blush, this is why I love you."

Rossi tilted his head, "How's he getting away with this?"

"He never hits the same city twice."

Hotch looked over at the team, "Until now, something changed."

"I'm sending everything your way and it looks like he started in California in 1984."

Crystal yawned, she winced as her head started to hurt again. "Get some rest Archer, I did order you to stay away from the case."

"Technically you told me not to worry about it, that's not an order to stay away." Crystal stated and Hotch's lips twitched, Spicer raised an eyebrow, "She's a feisty one." Emily smiled, "You have no idea." Hotch cleared his throat, "Are you feeling better?"

"I'm not dead." She heard Rossi chuckle, "Did you head to the doctor's kid?"

"Mmhm, just a bad cold. My side is all good too, no need for you guys to worry." Crystal yawned again, "Make sure you guys are safe."

JJ smiled, "Don't worry, make sure you're taking care of yourself." Crystal hummed, after she hung up she headed back to her room. Crystal's fever was gone and she was feeling better, but the tiredness still had an affect on her.

Crystal's phone buzzed, she looked down at her phone and smiled.

Hotch: Make sure you take your medication

Crystal shook her head as she had a fond smile on her face, she texted him back and smiled at his response before putting her phone down.

Crystal: Will do Big Boss, don't get to lonely without me :)

Hotch: I'll find a way to manage


Crystal was currently eating dinner while drinking some tea when her phone rang, she put down her cup. "Archer."

"What happened to calling me if anything happened?"

"Hi to you to Nicky, how'd you find out?"

"I made my rounds around the clinic and they told me you had been by, you collapsed?"

"I'm fine, I'm home right now taking it easy." Crystal heard him sigh on the other end, she winced a bit as her headache started to come back. "Don't worry, I didn't call because it wasn't serious."

"Chris, you collapsed. That's pretty serious."

"No it isn't, I just didn't get enough sleep and I got dizzy standing up to fast."

"You take your meds?"

"No Doctor I've decided to fight my cold on pure will alone." Nick laughed at her sarcasm, he relaxed a bit.

"Simple yes would've been sufficient."

"Did you eat?"

"I had an apple."

"Apple a day keeps annoying brothers away."

"Haha you're so funny, I'm serious though call me if anything else happens Chris."

"I will, don't worry to much Nick." Crystal hung up and sighed, she checked her watch. 

8:54 PM

Crystal sighed, she really wanted to be on the case. She felt useless sitting her doing nothing, Crystal picked her phone back up and texted Hotch.

Change My Mind ~ Criminal Minds (Aaron Hotchner x OC)Where stories live. Discover now