Chapter 11

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The bright sunlight coming in through the nearby window blinded you as you slowly blinked open your hazy eyes. Your head pounded and you whole body ached. The feeling of pain allowed your mind to realize last night hadn't all just been a dream, even though it went by so fast, it surely felt like one. 

You yawned, sitting up straight from the person you were leaning on as comfort. Shoto was at your side, yawning too. He looked to have woken up at the time you took your head from his shoulder. 

"Sorry if I woke you..." You murmured, looking up at his sleepy eyes and messy hair. His face had a scratch in it, showing he hadn't been tended to yet. You felt guilty if you had kept him from leaving your side all night, but that had been his choice.

"It's fine," he said in a tired tone.

You looked to the figure lying in the hospital bed before you. Your mom lay peacefully asleep. Her eyes red and somewhat bruised. A broken wrist was held in a sling and her neck had bandages. Thank God she had been alright and injuries weren't something that couldn't be healed in a few day. 

"How are you, Shoto?" You asked and met his eyes. "I'm alright," he said in response, "How are you?"

"Honestly, I could be better. Things happened so fast, I'm not sure how to comprehend everything that happened..." You sighed, staring to your mother in the bed. Her breathing was slow, but only as a side affect of being asleep. You could tell she was healing... she'd be alright.

"I'm so glad things got under control in end," Shoto noted.

You nodded, "I don't know what I would've done without you there to save me again."

"You promised didn't you... that I'd always be your hero?" Shoto looked down at you with a small smile. 

You nodded, a small laugh escaping your lips, "Of course. Always."

You looked down at your blistered hands in your lap. You still had on your ragged clothes from the other day. Your knees had been bandaged and tended to, probably just until one of the doctor's could fully care for you with their quirk. 

"Hey, Shoto..." You looked up to him in concern, wondering if it was and okay time to learn just a bit more about this boy. It wouldn't be too intrusive right?


"Your scar... You don't have to answer if you feel uncomfortable... but how do you get it?"

Shoto's hand reached up to softly trace the edge of the rough rim around his eye. His eyebrows and furrowed, "It's fine that you asked. I should tell you anyway... Since when we met so long ago I didn't have it."

"Have you ever heard of a quirk marriage, Y/n?" Shoto asked.

You nodded, "Yeah... When two people get together just for the purposes of producing a powerful quirk."

"Exactly," Shoto said, "That was the case with my mother and father. Although, it was more of my fathers intentions. He was abusive... when my mother had me, with this quirk, my father trained me to be the best knowing I had this quirk. I didn't have the childhood any normal kid would have."

Shoto sighed, looked down at his knees, "That was my first ever time going to a park and meeting someone so nice about my quirk."

"It really is an amazing quirk... but that's not why I became friends with you, Shoto," You said, placing a hand atop his as he stared at his open palm. 

He looked to you and you smiled, looking into his heterochronic eyes, "It's because I like you, Shoto. I love how sweet you are and the little things about your personality that are so adorable."

Shoto blushed, breaking eye contact, "Thank you, Y/n..."

You interlocked your fingers with his while he continued, "My mother despised my fire side. One day she poured boiling water on my face. That's how I got this scar."

"Now, my mother's in a hospital trying to get better. I send her letters sometimes but I haven't had the time to see her... it's been so long too, I don't know how I could face her."

Tightening your grip on Shoto's hand, you said, "I could go with you. We could go together after Christmas and I could wait outside incase you ever need me."

You leaned your head on Shoto's shoulder like you had been when you were asleep, "I'm always gonna be here, okay? Just like you're my hero, promise I'll be yours?"

"I promise," Shoto said softly, holding your hand tighter.

You never wanted to let go of his hand and leave the warmth of his shoulder. You felt so comfortable at his side. Now that you knew about such a traumatic childhood he had, you couldn't bare to ever see him sad in the future, and you'd make sure of that.


Endeavor drove you and Shoto home. You never really talked to him. Not just because of how you were salty about the way he used to treat Shoto, but just because you lacked any energy to strike up a conversation. No one really talked. Endeavor didn't even scold you for being so reclass. The only thing you said was "thank you for the ride" and a goodbye to Shoto as you watched their car drive away.

Your house seemed a lot lonelier than usual. One of the nurses insisted that you go home and rest while your mom got better. You would visit as soon as you could, though. As soon as your mom woke up. 

Fatty pawed at the door, so you decided to let her in. Your mom never allowed that, though, but you felt too uncomfortable to be by yourself. And you needed something to hug so you wouldn't feel so secluded to yourself.

After showering until your stingy cuts were numb to the hot water and you were thoroughly washed, you lay on the couch with Fatty. Your phone rested on your chest, awaiting that one call from the hospital you knew would come at some point today. Even if they didn't call in the next few hours, you'd go over there anyway. You felt too uneasy without her there with you. 

Your phone buzzed indicating a text. 

Uraraka: Everything okay? I heard about your mom... Things were so crazy last night I'm glad you guys aren't badly injured

You: yeah, just waiting for a call from the hospital. if it weren't for shoto, midoriya, tenya and the heroes, we probably wouldnt be alive right now

Uraraka: I'll have to thank them millions when we hangout again. They're gonna be great heroes

You: totally. when we're older and you guys are pros, you'll all be my favorite heroes

Uraraka: Awh, thank you! That means so much to me and probably them too!

You: of course!

Uraraka: If you ever need anything, I'm here!

You: ok, thank u

You were thankful to the support Uraraka offered. To be honest it felt a little awkward. You had never really had a close enough bond with someone else besides your mom. Even though it made you a little uncomfortable, it made you smile a bit knowing she was there for you, even after only knowing you for a short time. It kind of... warmed your heart. 

You flinched when your phone began to ring, dazed in thoughts. When you looked to see who it was, you shot up immediately at the Hospital number.

"She's awake!?"


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