Chapter 10: Final Chapter

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It took about a sweep of slowly proving to my family that Kurloz was right for me. Nepeta was the first to fully accept him as my matesprit, followed by Karkat, Kankri, the Signless and my mother. It took them long enough!

It wasn't long after that Karkat became Morials with Gamzee. Kurloz and I continued to get closer, even through all the little bumps in the road. I taught Kurloz all about shipping and Nepeta showed him her shipping wall. (Kankri threw a fit over all the 'triggering' ships as usual, but we ignored him) Horuss offered to make me hearing aids so I could hear again, but I refused.

Everything went well for a long time. I suppose, in words of a 'human fairytale', that we lived happily ever after. And that's all Kurloz and I could ask fur.

Until next time,

Meulin Leijon

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