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OK so Like I said this chap is Harry :P shortish chapta cuz yah  ;)

Oh gosh 10 minutes and I am on a date with a girl I am not interested in. This is gonna be bad.

I walk up to her door and knock on it. She comes out looking pretty average to me but, I know she is wearing a dress curled hair and perfect make up.

"You look beautiful," I say faking a smile and emotion towards her.

"Thanks," She blushes and I offer her my arm and she holds onto it.

We get to the car and I help her in and go to the driver side. We drive to dinner not really speaking or anything just awkward silence. We arrive and sit down at our table in the back away from people. We order our food and talk. After a minute of talking we both stopped and it went straight to silence. By the end I buy her dessert and I just continue eating my main corse. Not really feeling up for food. We finish our drinks and I ask for the bill.

"Harry.. Either your really not into dating, or you came here with the wrong person." She tells me.

"I am sorry Sarah. I just.. The person I like doesn't like me back. So, I need to get out.. You know.." i tell her.

"Yea I understand.. It's the same situation for me.. But.. We can hang out as friends if you ever want to.." She tells me and gets up.

"Wait, Sarah.. Can I just see one thing? Please.. You might not like it coming from me.. I just gotta.. see something.." i ask here holding her close.

"Sure," She said and I put my lips to hers.

I kissed her, but I felt nothing. I honestly got nothing out of that kiss. It was meaningless.

"Thanks... I'll text you later I suppose.. But.. I am not into you.. Sorry," I tell her and she nods in understanding.

"Good bye and Good luck," She says before I walk into the car and drive home.

I arrive at my home and throw my coat on the bench and take my shoes off. I go to the living room and its empty. I go to the kitchen. Empty. I go to Louis' room. Empty. He must be out with the lads. I guess I'll just chill at home then. 

I run to the living room and turn on the TV and (Sorry for the interruption but... THE is the most used word in English.. Isn't it CRAY!!)  cuddle up on the couch with Louis' teddy bear. Gosh.. I am lovesick. I switch the channel to the big bang theory. Penny is singing to Sheldon the monitor computer tv thing at her apartment door.. the song she is singing is Soft Kitty.. Which is his sick song. (its on the side bar is you haven't heard it.) I felt it was ironic since I am love sick. I hold the teddy up to my face and breathe in his very familar scent all over this bear. I fall asleep on the big bang theory channel.

- - - - -

BANG! A door shuts with a loud noise, waking me up instantly. I realize its probably Louis.. And I have his bear. Oh gosh! I hide the bear under the sofa and go to the front door.

"Louis?" I call out.

"Sorry Harry did I wake you?" He asks.

"Kind of. Where were you?" I ask him.

"I was with Zayn, Liam and Niall, we were watching the big bang theory," Louis says smiling.

"Oh, what a coincedence I was just watching that before I fell asleep," I yawn.

"Is Sarah here?" her asks.

"Na.. She wasn't the right girl," I told him.

"Oh, Well you always have me!" He smiles giving me a big hug.

I hug him back wrapping my arms around his waist holding him close. I yawn again, but this time into Louis' neck causing him to shiver.

"Time to get Hazza to bed!" Louis says picking me up and carrying me bridal style into my room.

He lays me in bed nicely taking my socks off and my watch and bracelet.

"As much as you want me to undress the rest of you, your gonna have to do that yourself," He winks at me and I smirk back.

"Night Louis.." I tell him and he leaves.

I remove my pans and then unbutton my shirt. Before hearing a scream. Crap! Louis' bear...

I walk to Louis' room.

"WHAT?!" I ask him as if I didn't know.

"M-M-M-My teddy bear.." He says looking at me as if his cat died.

"What happened?" I ask.

"It's missing!" He cries.

I hold him close, "It's ok, we will look for it in the morning," I smiles.

He sniffles, "But, now I don't have anything to cuddle with."

"You can cuddle with me," I blurt out.


He giggles and then looks at me.

"Ok we can cuddle," He speaks and I walk him to my room.

I take my shirt off and I crawl in bed.

"Oh one sec.. I need my pajama's!" He says before running to his room.

Oh gosh Lou.. Stop being so cute!

I wait for him to come back and after a few minute he walks through the door my eyes glued to his perfectly tanned chest.

"Like what you see?" He asks.

I shake my head to stop the gaze and he just laughs. He crawls in beside me and we are just lying beside each other. Soon I feel a warm arm pull me close to him and my head is on his chest. I look up at him and he smiles. I wrap my arms around him and listen to his heart beat. Soon enough I gradually fall asleep.

Wrong Number? {Larry Stylinson FanFic} *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now