Zyyyyyym, go to sleeep! Pt. 2

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Zym's  Pov:

I went to sleep curlied up with Sketch boy, uhh, i mean Calllum? idk what his name is, but he draws more times than what ive heard his name. Anyways, I was thinking about playing with Ez, trying to connect with him, imagining i could reeeally go into his dreams. But thats impossible, isnt it?


Zym was tired, but he really wanted to play with Ezran. Maybe going to his dreams isnt impossible? maybe i can really go in?  were some of the dragonling's thoughts.

As he drifted to sleep, he emegerged into the darkness found when closing his eyes, still trying to connect with Ezran. 

He was in the middle of the dense darkness, but started to walk forward, with no direction at all.

Zym's POV:

so, i was walkin front, then to my right, then in zig-zags. why was i walking without a destination?   Yes.

i was walking in weird lines, ya know, first a zig zag, then in circles n'squares and all that, then, i saw that in the faded distance there was a island. oooh, if someone's there they might want to play with me!!! 

i started (again) walking weirdly in that direction, (he had stopped and sitted down, puppy cute) and  i saw that it wasnt an island, it had changed into a clearing-like place-y  in the middle of a forest. I walked more in that direction, but it changed (again xd), to a rainbow with a taffy hippo,  i got closer, and i saw someone on top of the pink wierrd hippo. Ezran!! Ez!!! im soo happy! But, is it really Ez, or a part of my imagination? its ez. 

He has a cookie with a shape similar to a triangle. yes, i know what a triangle is. AnYwAyS, Sketh-boy showed me a drawing of the cookie thing, and said its a jelly tart. Ezran has always said he loves jelly tarts. I also saw some of those cookies at the moon nexus. 

Ok, how did I know it wasnt an imaginar y Ezran?

He was gulping them into his mouth, and if it was product of my imagination, i would have had him eating other stuff, like pancakes or normal cookies (chocolate chip cookies).

Ok, so I walked, and walked, and walked, and he went like "Zym? Zym?! Zym!! " as I jumped to get to his hug. He asked if I was only his Dream, and i said I was real, that I wanted to play. We then played with the hippo, hide and seek, and all those human games Ez plays.

We spent a good time, talked about many things, like about what would be most likely to happen when we woke up, like what he would have to do like decisions and king stuff, and that he wasnt ready, but he is.

He seemed really happy, when we heard something

"king Ezran, you should be awake now, its morning, about 9 but there's things to set up "

"Zym, zyyym, wake up, we have to continue the journey, zym"

"Rayla and opeli" Ez started. Seeeing my confusion, he said that opeli was high council or something like that I dont remember, and that she was very kind. He continued, "Zym, we have to wake up, as its a liiitle late. I have things to do and you have to continue to Xadia. But we'll see each other again soon. I love ya Zym!

I nodded, then he said we had to go, but we'd see each other soon. He vanished (as the hippo did too),and everything started to go dark and i heard Ray-Ray say "Zym, wake up!"

I woke up, and i was  really happy that I got to be with Ez in my Dream. WAIT A minute! How do I know it was really him? (beside the jelly tart thing)


So, at the end, he decided to connect with Ezran to así him If he had had the same Dream. As Rayla tried to fred him moonberries, (they are alreadu in Xadia, un like at the start, sorry for any confusions), he connected with Ez. He asked if he had the same Dream, and said that if it was the one were Zym and Ezran were with the taffy hippo, then yes.

So happily ever after, they continue their journey to xadia/be king of katollis and all that.


Meme of the chapter!
(in wich I had literally no idea what to do!) :

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