Chapter 2

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Hugo's POV

I was in coach with my brother Axel going to Vivian's castle. I explained everything what happened with Sofia.

Axel said, "Well Baby Bro she has a point." "You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover."

I said, "I know but since the Flying Crown and the ice dancing recital." "I can't get Sofia out of my head." "Since she helped me.""Us." "Our family." "Me."

Axel smirked, "Do you have a crush on your girl best friend Baby Bro?"

I looked down and said, "No."

Axel asked, "Okay if you say so but one question what do you like about Sofia?"

I chuckled, "She's a tomboy which I love most about her, she's always there when I need her or need her help with something, I can help with as rough as I want with her as I do with the other princes, I can't picture myself with a different ice dancing partner during ice dancing class." "I—." I paused realising everything I just said about Sofia.

Axel teased, "Looks like you have a crush on her baby Bro."

I blushed and said, "I guess I like her."

Axel asked, "Do you like her or do you 'like' her?"

I turned red and said, "I think I 'like' the other like her."

Me and Axel laughed and I went off the coach since we were in front of Vivian's castle. Her mum lead me to her room. Sofia wasn't here yet so me and Vivian sat in awkward silence.

Vivian asked, "So?"

I said, "So?"

I asked, "So how long have you been friends with Sofia?"

Vivian said, "Longer than you." "Since the dream castle presentation." "How long have you been friends with Sofia?"

I answered, "Since the Flying Crown." "And WHY are you friends with her?"

Vivian asked, "WHY are you friends with her?"

When she asked me that question we just started bickering back and forth with each other about how long who knows her better and who is her best friends with her.

Sofia's POV

I went to Vivian's castle and I went to her room and hear Vivian and Hugo fighting who is my best friends and who knows me better. I opened the door and both of them didn't notice me.

I clear my throat, "Ahem." Doing that hoping they would hear still didn't hear me.

So I got some books from the shelf and I banged it on her desk and they finally noticed me.

Hugo asked, "Oh Sof when did you come in?"

Vivian stated, "Well she probably came in a few minutes ago since we have been bickering for 10 minutes." Stating the obvious.

Hugo said, "Well of course queen obvious she probably came in while we bickering at one other."

I suggested, "How about we just think of an idea of the project we need to do."

Hugo thought and said, "How about sports?"

Vivian said, "What no not sports how about music?"

Hugo growled, "Sports!"

Vivian shouted, "Music!"

They continued for the next five minutes like that which honestly wasn't any better when I came in.

I slapped the books again against the desk to their attention and I said, "How about we do both?!" "One half sports for you Hugo and the other half music for you." They agreed reluctantly until Hugo asked me, "But what about your part of the project Sofia?" I shrugged and said, "I'll come with something." "Don't worry." "Okay how about this the same time next week but Hugo's castle." Hugo and Vivian nodded for ok.

I went home before it got dark and had dinner but my head was in the clouds because I didn't even realise my parents were talking to me.

Miranda asked, "How's your project coming along Sofia?"

I smiled nervously and said, "Oh just fine Mum." "I'm finished with my dinner." "May I be excused?"

Roland said, "Yes you may Sofia."

I rushed to my room and spoke to Clover about it. He said bring me next week so I can see how everything goes. I nodded and fell asleep.

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