"I know right, it was so fun." Khushi smiled.

"Especially today with the adventures, I so loved the skiing." Rohan said.

"Me too." Tara smiled at him happily.

"I think I loved the paragliding better, it was way scarier for me that the skiing. I felt like I was going to fall down and die, but it was good when I was kind of flying in the air." Khushi said.

"Everything was so fun, I wish we could stay longer." Tara pouted.

"Yeah right." Rohan laughed.

Once they were done talking about how fun the trip was, everything decided on what they wanted to eat and then placed their orders, as soon as the waiter walked away with their orders, they started talking about the trip once again.

"We should all do this sometime again, and next time we make it a long holiday, this wasn't enough." Tara said.

"Sure." Rohan nodded.

Arnav and Khushi looked at each other awkwardly, here Tara was already planning another trip and for them, it was their last day together, after today, they had decided to go separate ways and it was kind of painful for the both of them.

"Imagine how lazy we're all going to feel, going back to work tomorrow." Arnav said diverting his attention from Khushi.

"I know right, I'll just go be lazy." Tara replied.

"We all are going to miss this trip so much aren't we? We created some good memories." Rohan said.

"We did." Arnav nodded as he looked at Khushi once again who was pretending to look at the menu because this conversation kept on getting awkward for her.

"Don't worry, incase you have another trip, I wont tag along." Arnav whispered to her.

"I wasn't even thinking about that." Khushi said.

"Okay... What if we meet somewhere after this? Maybe bump into each other at a restaurant or a mall, are we supposed to ignore each other and pretend like we don't even know each other?" Arnav asked.

"I don't know." Khushi shrugged.

"Why are you so cold towards me Khushi? I thought we agreed to make today better?" Arnav looked at her in disappointment.

"I don't know how to make things better with you Arnav. The trip has come to an end, let's just eat lunch, catch our flights and head home. I want this to end." Khushi sighed.

"Okay, if you say so. I'll be out of your life for good." Arnav looked away from her as he continued talking to Rohan and Tara, he didn't try talking to her again.

Once their food came, they all ate and then headed back to their rooms to pack and then leave for Airport on time.


Khushi went to sit with Rohan on the flight while heading back home as Tara sat with Arnav, neither of them really wanted to come in between Tara and Rohan but they couldn't just sit together and pretend everything was fine so they decided to sit separately.

"Are things ever going to change between you both?" Tara asked Arnav.

"I don't think so. Today was our last day together." Arnav laughed sarcastically.

"So you're going to just give up like that?" Tara asked.

"What else do you want me to do Tara? Since I realized I was in love with her, a part of me had always felt that I don't deserve her. You have no idea how horrible I have been to her and I get her anger towards me, I just hoped that by the end of all this, we would be on better terms, all I wanted was for her not to hate me, but I guess I didn't change much, she still feels what she felt when I asked for these seven days." Arnav sighed.

"Should I talk to her? Maybe she will listen to me?"

"No. It's her decision, she's made it. The least I can do now is respect it. Anyway I feel really tired, I'll just take a nap. Wake me up when we arrive in case I'm still asleep." Arnav said to her. He grabbed his neck pillow, put it over his neck and leaned on the seat as he closed his eyes trying to get some sleep.


"Arnav. Wake up, we've arrived." Tara shook him, he opened up his eyes immediately and looked around, the flight was just landing. He pulled his phone out from the pocket and typed something and then waited until the flight had landed.

"Do me a favor will you?" Arnav asked Tara.

"Sure, anything."

"Take a cab with Rohan, tell Khushi to take one with me because you have to go somewhere with him or something, just make any excuse please?" he looked at her hopefully.

"Okay." She nodded with a smile, once they all headed out of the airport, they called for a cab.

"Rohan, I have to take you somewhere, it's a surprise. Khushi, would you please mind taking another cab with Arnav? He will drop you home." Tara looked at her.

"Okay." She nodded.

"What surprise?" Rohan asked.

"If I tell you, how is it going to be a surprise, now come along." She pulled him as they got a cab and drove off.

"I'll take a cab on my own, you don't have to come drop me." Khushi said.

"I have to make sure you reach home safely, at least don't take that away from me." Arnav said to her.

"Fine." She replied, Arnav called for a cab and they both got into that one, when the driver asked they where they were supposed to go, he handed him a piece of paper with an address written on it.

"Where are we going?" Khushi asked as soon as the driver started driving.

"You'll see." Arnav sighed. Khushi dint even try to argue, she just sat silently in the car until they arrived wherever Arnav was taking her in like ten minutes. He parked the car outside a huge bungalow, she wondered who lived here.

They both stepped out of the car, Arnav got Khushi's luggage out but left his inside the cab, he told the driver to wait for her a few minutes.

"What place is this? I mean who's house is this?" Khushi asked as she looked around.

"You'll find that out. Because today is our last day and we're going to be strangers after this, I thought I'd give you a parting gift. Not really a gift but some answers. I know not all your questions have been answered, neither have mine, I'm not sure if I want to know the answers, but you deserve them and I hope you get them" Arnav said as he held her hand and pulled her along, they stopped at the door as he pressed the door bell.

Khushi kept on looking at him wondering why he had brought her to an unknown bungalow and how was she going to get any answers from here. A few moments later, the door opened and she turned to look towards it. She opened up her eyes wide as she saw the woman standing in front of her, it was none other than Garima. Her mother. The woman that was the reason behind everything horrible that happened in her life.

It looked like she hadn't even aged at all, she still looked like she remembered her, always so confident and perfectly dressed, looking into her eyes she could see no remorse whatsoever. Did she ever regret what she did or she was okay with it all? She had so many questions to ask this woman.

"Good luck Khushi." Arnav said as he looked at her sadly for a moment and then turned around and walked back towards the cab. Khushi stood there in shock not knowing what to do. Should she run behind Arnav and bring him back so they both get their answers together or should she start questioning this woman about everything she did to her?

"You've been living here all this while?" Khushi looked at her mother in shock.

"No. Arnav found me and had me brought here." She replied leaving her shocked.

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