Part 46

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It was like falling in love once again, you know all those feelings you get when you actually start falling for someone? She remembered feeling that way about Arnav long time ago, and now suddenly they were all coming back once again.

It was like the fairytale she had dreamt of, it was the kind of love she had wished for but never got... Their marriage had literally ruined everything, and now after all they had been through, it was like this was her second chance at love.

She lied on her bed, staring at the ceiling with a stupid smile on her face, she had to take a shower and head to work but her mind just wanted to lie down and think about Arnav and smile stupidly for the rest of the day.

After a few minutes, she stepped out of the bed trying to get over the laziness and took a quick shower so she could head to work.

Once she was ready, she grabbed her purse and her phone and everything she needed to leave and then headed outside, Tara too was just leaving for work.

"Hey. I dint know you were still around." Tara smiled.

"Yeah, I woke up late today... happens sometimes." Khushi replied as they both walked out of the house and locked the door and then headed down to the parking lot.

"So... see you in the evening, when I'll get all the juicy details of your date?" Tara smirked.

"You wish." Khushi giggled as she got into her car and drove to work, the entire time she drove, all she could think of was Arnav and just everything about them and their date. Was she going crazy or something?

She parked the car and stepped out to head to her cabin when her phone beeped, so she pulled it out of her bag and looked at it, Arnav had sent her a text message.

Seeing his name flash on screen brought a huge smile on her face, seriously all this felt good and stupid at the same time.

She unlocked her phone and read the message while walking to her cabin.

'Good Morning... I hope you have an amazing day ahead. I'll try to see you if I can.' She smiled as she typed a good morning text back and the settled down.

"Hey, where were you lost yesterday? I passed by your place, dint see you?" Rohan asked.

"Well only if you would have taken your eyes off Tara, I was just around." Khushi teased.

"Shut up." Rohan rolled his eyes.

"I told you I was going for a date with Arnav dint I? I was with him, you dint tell me you were coming home."

"Oh yeah it was a last moment kind of a thing, I just came to see Tara for a bit and then left." He sighed as he pulled out a chair and sat opposite me.

"So... How are things between you two?" Khushi asked.

"Perfect, better than it could be. At one point I had believed that I was never going to find her you know... but destiny has it's own ways.

I mean can you believe after everything that happened between us, we would still end up together? It's crazy." He laughed.

"It is... I remember at one point in life I was so sure I would never forgive Arnav nor give him another chance, but things change, we look at thing different, get a different perspective. In the end, everything has a way of falling into place."

"You are right, at one point we both were so miserable."

"And now we're happy." She smiled.

"Yes, we are... anyway I'll leave you to work, I've got a few meetings to attend myself, I'll see you later?" Rohan said as he stood up.

"Sure, bye." Khushi smiled as he walked away, once he was gone, she turned on her laptop and started working.


Khushi was disturbed by a knock at the door of her cabin, she had spent her entire morning just in the cabin doing her work. She looked up from her laptop and smiled as she saw Arnav push the door and walk in.

It was such a sweet surprise, she wasn't expecting to see him that too at her workplace at this time.

"What a pleasant surprise." Khushi stood up and walked towards him.

"Yeah... I just felt like seeing you so I thought... maybe we could have lunch together?" He smiled as he held out two bags that he had in his hands.

"Ohh... I just had lunch." Khushi pouted.

"Oops... I'm so sorry, I should have called. I just thought you might have not... I'll call next time. Sorry." He said sadly.

"I'm kidding Arnav, I haven't had lunch yet." She laughed making him frown, he pouted like a baby pretending to be angry.

"Not fair." He said.

"It's fair to tease you a bit, I mean look at your face. It's hilarious." Khushi laughed.

"Okay can we eat now if you're done laughing at me."

"Sure, come sit." She smiled as she sat down on her chair as Arnav sat down opposite her and unpacked the lunch.

"Wow, this looks yummy and it smells so good." Khushi said inhaling the scent, the food really did smell so good.

"Yeah, just trying to impress you." Arnav smirked.

"Consider me impressed then, now I'm feeling really hungry I can't wait to eat." She said excitedly as she grabbed the plate from his hand and started eating immediately while Arnav just smiled at stared at her.

It was like slowly, she was becoming the old Khushi once again, the one he had gotten married to, of course he had hurt her a lot and she had changed, but he was glad that somewhere deep down she was still the same old Khushi.

"And... why aren't you eating?" She asked after taking the first bite.

"Just... it's so mesmerizing to see you getting back to your old self." He smiled.

"Eat." He said trying to look serious, Arnav obliged as he started eating, they both eat silently for a while until an idea popped up in Arnav's mind.

"I have an idea." Arnav said.

"What idea?"

"How about I come to your house for dinner?"

"Look at you inviting yourself. Why would you want to come to my house for dinner though? You could have also invited me to your house instead?"

"Just... you'll know. Can I?"

"Okay, if you want to..." She nodded in confusion. She couldn't understand why he was inviting himself at her place instead of just inviting her, and he wouldn't even tell her why so she had to wait until evening to finally find out.

"Thanks." He smiled and then continued eating once again.

"Thanks for lunch though... I had skipped breakfast today and I was so busy with work I even forgot it was lunch time." Khushi said once she was done eating.

"You're welcome. I guess I should leave now and let you work, I'll see you in the evening. I just wanted to see you, lunch was just an excuse." He smiled.

Khushi nodded as Arnav started cleaning everything up so he could leave, he put all the plastic tins in the garbage can and the looked at Khushi who was staring at him.

"What?" He asked awkwardly, he never liked when someone stared at him, it was just awkward.

"You... you're just so... different. I mean the Arnav I was married to and this Arnav, it's like they are two different people." She walked closer to him, stood face to face and just stared at him in awe for a moment.

"There there, you'll fall in love with me again." He smirked.

"You are such an idiot." Khushi laughed out.

"I'll get going, have lots of work to do, it was nice seeing you, can't wait to see you again in the evening."

"Sure, bye." She waved a goodbye at him as he walked out. Seriously though, who invites themselves for dinner? Arnav was a unique piece.

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