The Big Risk And The Save

Start from the beginning

Ryder: I was born to take risks. On the count of 3. 1, 2, 3!

Nate: He jumps and catches the window sill of the next room. Go Ryder!

Ryder: Almost...up....*straining to go up*

Nate: Are you okay?

Ryder: Not....ugh...really...

Duke: *Opens window*   What! How did you come here?

Nate: Oh no. Not good! Uh...look behind you, Duke!

Duke: *looks behind*   There is nothing, you liar! *presses on Ryder's fingers to get them loose from the sill* 

Ryder: Agh, Ow! Woah! *slips from sill*

Duke: Ahahahahahaha!

Nate: Ryder! No!

Carlos: *gasp*

Pups: *whimper*

Skye: Aha! *gets out from the cage easily*

Duke: What!

Tracker: Wait for me, amiga! *gets out*

Skye: Ruff! Wings!

Tracker: Ruff! Cables! *goes on Skye's back*

Skye: *flies out of window*   Hold on tight! Cuz we are gonna.... DROP!!!

Tracker: Weeeee!

Skye: Quick! Catch Ryder with your cables!

Tracker: And...caught him! Yes!

Ryder: Woah! Phew! Close one! Thanks Skye and Tracker!

Nate: *takes Pom-Poms*   Go PAW Patrol! Woo-hoo! Yay!

Skye: Yeah! Ruff, Ruff! Yeah!

Nate: They go to the Duke's lair.

Ryder: Well, well, well! Who do we have here?

Duke: S-stay back! I have a gun! *doesn't find it*   Huh?

Ryder: Looking for this? *takes out a gun*

Pups: Yeah! Go Ryder! Hahahahahaha!

Duke: What! I-I still have a sword!

Ryder: I think you mean this. Right? *takes out a sword*   Beautiful sword, aye?

Duke: Huh? I  s-still have defense! Guards!

*crickets chirping*

Duke: I said, GUARDS!!!

*crickets chirping*

Ryder: Ah! I know who you are talking about! *whistles*

Nate: Some men come in the room.

Ryder: Them?

Duke: What! No way!

Ryder: Everything is possible when Nate is on your side!

Nate: Anything for the PAW Patrol!

Ryder: Guards, catch the Duke and arrest him.

Guard 1: Yes, sir! Do we put him in jail, sir?

Ryder: Let me think. Hmm... No.

Chase: What! After all he did to all of us, you forgive him! Why?!

Ryder: Well, I know he almost killed me and trapped you all. But I know he will behave himself next time. He will just be punished for one day by staying here and not hurting others.

Duke: Really? You won't put me in jail?

Ryder: All kids need their freedom, right? *pats on the Duke's back*   Un-arrest him, guards.

Guard 2: Yes, sir! *unlocks handcuffs*

Duke: *hugs Ryder*   Thank you so much!

Ryder: No problem! And whenever you are in the middle of rescuers chaos, just release them for help!

Duke: *hugs tighter*

Ryder: Agh! Not too tight!

Pups: *laughing*

Duke: Oops! Sorry! Heheh!

Rocky: We should go back to Adventure Bay!

Marshall: Yeah! Right now!

Duke: *presses a button which opens both cages*

Carlos: YAY!!! *jumps on Ryder*

Ryder: Oof! Hey, Carlos! I miss you too!

Nate: All of the pups jump on Ryder too. Hahaha!

Pups: *all lick Ryder*

Ryder: Woah, woah! Hahaha! Okay! I know you missed me! Hahaha!

Everest: Come on! Let's go and show him!

Pups: Yeah! Let's go!

Ryder: Uh...okay! Robo-dog, bring in the Air Patroller.

Robo-dog: Arf! Arf!

Nate: After a while, Robo-dog reaches with the Air Patroller. 

Everest: Let's hurry! Come on, come on, come on!

Pups: *howl and go in the Air Patroller*

Ryder: Let's go, Carlos! Bye Duke!

Duke: Bye! Sorry for today, though.

Ryder: That's fine. I forgive you.

Carlos: Let's go! *pulls Ryder's hand*

Ryder: Woah! Okay! I'm coming! Hahaha!


Thanks for reading Part 4, everyone! Happiness starts in Part 5! This was a pretty long Chapter, but it was worth it, for you guys! Hope you enjoyed (and got chills on your back too! Lol) Wait till tomorrow for your surprise and Ryder's Birthday Surprise! (Last chapter by the way) Thanks to all! Check ya tomorrow!

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