and how she slept with it on the day she bought it....with a smile on her face.

And an unpleasant memory of Izi the dizzy two faced ROTTEN POTATO breaking her cup (on purpose) replayed in her mind.

Salene gulped.

Estelle might have not realized it but her furious aura was suffocating Salene...and she also crushed the invitation to the point that it started to tear even though all she did was crumble it.

"E- Estelle! How about we cheer up the mood a little! Let's go eat some ice cream!"

Little by little, Estelle's chilling aura disappeared. 

To make sure it disappears completely, Salene added,

"Why don't we eat the one with the Fairy tail emblem frosting on it?" 

Estelle's aura disappeared within a second.

'As expected, fairy tail is the only thing that can calm her down in this situation.'

Salene sighed. She hated to admit it, but animes saved her just this once.

"Alright let's go." Estelle smiled, a real smile, and headed towards the door.

"Finally...wait a second." Salene looked in front of her. Estelle has already left but.....WHAT ABOUT THE PILE OF DOCUMENTS WAITING TO BE COMPLETED.

'That...that schemer tricked me! Wait...I can't be sure..after all, she really did seem mad so that was definitely not acting.' Salene shook her head and followed Estelle.

Estelle on the other hand, realized that she unintentionally skipped her work...and she was even more happy about it. A smile floating on her lips. 

'Ice-cream, ice-cream. I will eat Fairy tail's ice-cream.' She hummed in her mind.


Soon they arrived in front of the café, Estelle's galaxy eyes started to become a bright shade of deep pink and blue. 

They went inside the café, there were not many people inside it but it still looked like it was bustling with them.

"What would you like, my fair ladies." A handsome waiter that was around their age arrived to take Estelle and Salene's orders. 

Just when they were about to order, they heard a girl call out to them.

"Alene! Stelle! I didn't think I'll meet you here!" the girl called out. 

"Oh. Sarena, what are you doing here?" Salene asked turning around to look at a girl with light brown hair and similar coloured emerald eyes like Salene. 

Her name was Sarena, Salene's sister who is one year younger than her.

Sarena pouted.

"This is what you ask when you see your sister outside? So cruel." 

Sarena was a cute and cheerful girl unlike her sister, her hair was tied in long pigtails while Salene who had a bob cut with the right side a little longer than the left one.

"Anyways, I just came here to get a pick out order but now that you both are here, looks like you'll be the one treating." Sarena winked and sat beside Estelle. 

It may not look like it but Sarena was actually a very kind girl, she may appear to act cute but that's because she likes to be a kid rather than a mature girl like her sister. 

Although, many (mostly annoying girls who want to do nothing but gossip)  misunderstand that she does that to get the boys' attention and spread rumors about her. She doesn't mind though. After all, she won't disagree with the fact that she likes handsome guys and has dated plenty of them.

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