Chapter-62 Welcome back taani!

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"Don't worry princess, I have chocolates there for you at home, moreover once Rey leaves for office I'll bring chata for you okay."

Taani beamed at her father-in-law but maintained a straight face when they both heard Rey's suspicious tone,

"What are you guys upto now?"

The duo threw each other a secret glance before making a straight face and Ranvijay said,

"I have plans with my princess, do you have any problem."

Rey whined hearing his father's strict voice while Taani showed him her tongue, Avantika shook her head at them,

"And if those plans includes feeding Taani anything that is unhealthy for her then you are sleeping out fo the room Ranvijay that too for a month."

Rey snickered eharing his mother while taani and Ranvijay's eyes widened, Ranvijay looked at Taani apologetically while she threw him an 'I can understand' look sadly making Rey smile at her cuteness, Ranvijay nodded at his wife,

"Okay Avu, I won't feed her anything that's not healthy for her."

"Good! So let's go?"

Avantika asked everyone and they nodded, bidding bye to the hospital staff and thanking them for taking care of Taani, they started to move out. Avantika helped Taani in standing up from the bed but she had a hard time walking without falling down due to the weakness. She was walking with Avantika's support when Rey immediately came to her seeing her struggle and without a words bending down he picked her in his arms bridal style, his parents smiled at their kids while the hospital staff went awe on the couple probably a thousandth time since they came. They had never seen a more loving couple than taarey and more caring and loving husband than Rey.

Rey started walking towards the exit, Taani was admiring him all the time looking at him with all the love that was possible. They finally reached near their car, he made her sit in the backseat comfortably and avantika settled beside her, Ranvijay took the passenger seat with Rey on the driving seat. He drove towards the house occasionally glancing at Taani through the rear view to see if she was comfortable and smiled when he saw his wife was leaning her head on his mother's shoulder resting while Avantika was caressing her head simultaneously kissing her temple lovingly. The scene stole his heart, which son doesn't want to see his wife bonding with his parents and being with them just like her own family and he loved seeing the bond Taani shared with his family. Their Family.

They finally reached home and he parked the car at the threshold. Stepping out Rey opened the door for her and gaain took her in his arms not letting her walk even for a minute, his parents smiled ta the love his son has for their daughter. It made them proud of the teachings and values they had given him that he never fails to show his love and care for her.

The four of them walked towards the gate, and avantika opened it entering in but Taani frowned seeing everything covered in darkness and asked,

"Rey, yahan itna andhera kyu hai?"

Rey looked at her with a smile which she couldn't see because of the darkness when the lights came back and multiple voices shouted out coming out of hiding,

"Welcome back Taani!"

Her face lit up seeing the whole gang there and the suprize welcome. The hall was decorated with balloons and flowers with placards of 'Get well soon' and 'Welcome back' were there on the walls along with confetti and sparkle bursts. She nudged Rey to put her down and he did, a huge smile was there on her lips along with the lost shine back in her eyes. Her eyes teared up, she smiled at everyone brightly saying,

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