Chapter-53 Honeymoon period over??

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Author's POV

It's been a month since taarey's first wedding anniversary. Things haven't been like they expected them to be, they went down the hill in the last few weeks. Rey has been extremely busy in his academy and office that he could not take out time for Taani at all in the last month. Things are a little shaky in his office too, due to some deal and also the academy was facing some issues and they have faced a loss in their dance academy. Rey has been extremely tensed while Taani has completely no idea about what is going on.

During this period, distance between taarey has increased too. Rey, being busy and so drowned in his work and problems was completely neglecting his married life. It's been long since they spent some time together. He leaves for the academy early in the morning, then goes to his office too and again to his academy late at night to complete the work, he returns so late that she falls asleep by the time he returns. He is rarely present for the breakfast too, even then he would be busy in his files.

There was no proper conversation between them, even their phone calls have decreased. She sometimes call him in the day to ask about his well being but being angry he has lashed out on her many times. Even though she had took everything sportingly, aware that he is going through a rough phase and she should be there to support him in this instead of making a big issue out of it. She is determined that she would not repeat the mistakes that they made during their college time, and would try that work ad problems would never break them apart.

Although he has a fair idea of what is happening between them is wrong, for their marriage and for both of them too, he is helpless and is not able to rectify it. He really wants to spend time with her, but the work commitments need to be fulfilled and thus he pushes her thought away to the back of his mind everytime.

They both miss each other's presence a lot, but both know that at the moment that's a minimal possibility so they just go with the flow.

But Taani was really tired of all this till now, she really did not wanted her marriage to go down the drain because of lack of communication and support so she finally decided to talk to him, ask him what is the problem he is facing and if possible help him out with it. Hence she was sitting in the living room waiting for him to come back home, it was midnight, and he was as usual late. He eyes were shutting down continuously but she was trying really hard to stay awake. She was adamant on talking to him now.

Also, she needed to inform him about her one month trip to Venice for a fashion show which she has to attend, and that she will be leaving for it after two days

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Also, she needed to inform him about her one month trip to Venice for a fashion show which she has to attend, and that she will be leaving for it after two days. She really wanted to be with him in this rough time, but the fashion show was damn important and she has to attend it anyhow.

Her trance was broken when the door opened, Rey must have unlocked it with his keys. She looked ta him entering the house looking like a zombie, he looked weary, fatigued and worn out. His eyes had dark circles underneath them and his hair messed up. He had his blazer hanging on his arm while the other held his bag.

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