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Cody's P.O.V
I wonder how Taylah is going I haven heard from her since her birthday which was 21 days ago, has she moved on, has she found someone better than me I sit in class wondering and then all of a sudden Aiden slaps me and as I regain my sight Mrs Andrew stands at the front of the classroom giving me a stare the goes straight through me. Why can't I be like all those normal guys that go out with their girl every weekend?

20 minutes later.....
I am out of class and I call Taylah there is no answer just the usual 'Hi it's Taylah please leave me a message and we'll talk soon bye' and then a long irritating beep and then I answer 'hey Taylah it's Cody I just wanna tell you hows have I love you and.... and.... that's all bye'

I walk home to my parents yelling I can't take them anymore but they insist I sit down and hear what they have to say 'Cody your father and I are getting a divorce and I am sorry but you'll have to move to London with your dad' I can't listen to this any more so I run upstairs to my room and pack my bags get on the early bus tomorrow and go all the way to Ohaio. Whilst on the bus we stop about 30 different times and collect some really random people I just wish I could be with Taylah right now and there is now way I hell that I am going to London.

Cody's Mum's P.O.V
I wake up early I was happy to see Cody packing his bags last night until I got down stairs and see a note on the table from Cody which read:

Dear Mum and Dad,
I love you both but you can't make me move to London so instead I am on a bus to Ohaio and I will be getting on a plane to Dublin, Ireland.
I think the best way to say this is I am moving in with Taylah.
Don try to follow me, even though I know you will please don't I don't need to go through any of that again and it's not like it was easy to leave and if you come after me I will be torn apart

Love Cody xx

I dropped to the floor in tears.

Love is Hard, Life is HarderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin