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Cody's P.O.V
She open's her beautiful eyes and closes them at the sight of me, although I don't think she recognised me, she fell pretty hard.

Taylah's P.O.V
When I awake I am not in the park, I am in my bedroom. I hear my mum down stairs talking to someone, it's him, they guy from the park, again I find his voice oddly familiar. I get up and stumble down the stairs and when I get to the bottom I see him standing their in the kitchen, clutching at his cup, which I presume is coffee because he has never been known to drink tea. When he sees me he immediately puts his coffee down and walks over to me, softly gripping my cheek in his hand and kisses me.

He kisses me softly and slowly, I breathe in his smell, vanilla mixed with the slight smell of mint, our lips separate and he kisses me on the nose.
"Hey Gorgeous,"
he says to me, only then do I realise how much I missed his voice, the way it used to make me feel safe, that feeling is back and now I don't ever think I will be able to let it go again.

Cody takes my hand and leads me up to my room, when we reach the door we step inside shutting the door behind us. He moves to my bed, me following behind him, he sits down and reaches up and strokes my cheek with his thumb and kisses me slowly, he tastes slightly like coffee and my heart begins to beat uncontrollably. He shifts himself backward and rests his head on my pillow, still kissing me, me on top of him, my heart is pounding like crazy. Cody sits up and takes his shirt off and begins to unzip my top, he flips me over and now he is on top of me, I can't believe this is it, I am actually going to do it and Cody is the perfect guy. This moment couldn't be any better. But all of a sudden I find out that I was terribly wrong when my mother bursts in to my room to find me in Cody in the worst position imaginable.
"And what do you two think you are doing?"
My mother says with disgust and the look on her face says it all. She hates me, I can tell. It's this thing with all mothers, especially mine, she screwed up her life, she had big plans to become a lawyer and a year into law school she met this guy named Ryan, and then nine months later she had me and know she is doing everything she can to give me the life she never got.
I hate her for not letting her follow my dreams, instead I am forced to follow hers.

My mother walks in and grabs Cody and drags him out of the room, he looks like a kicked puppy and from the look my mother gives me I must look like a tomato. He looks at me and mouths sorry, I shrug.

Cody's P.O.V
Mrs Hill grabs me a drags me away from Taylah, I feel my face burning up and I see Taylah's is about as red as mine, I turn around to look and her and I mouth sorry, she shrugs.

2 hours later...
I am in a motel since it is pretty clear that I won't be staying at Taylah's for a while after what just happened.
I ring Taylah to see if she is ok and when it goes straight to message bank I know something is up. I try again and still no answer after I try twice more I give up. I take a shower and go to bed.

The next day...
I walk past Taylah's house this morning just as she stepped out the door, I waited for her at the gate. As soon as she saw me she ran up to me, I wrapped my arms around her and she did the same. We stand in each other's embrace for a couple of minutes until I hear her start to cry, I kiss her on the forehead, she looks up at me and says
"Sorry," she is still sobbing, and then I hear her say.
"I am such a screw up, I'm sorry you got dragged into that last night"
"Sweetie, it's not your fault, it was there to" I say to comfort her.

I grab her hand and we start walking to school and when we get there she introduces me to her friend, Sebastian, and they told me the story about how they met on the plane.  He seems like a nice guy, and he has been the only one there for Taylah since she got here.

First period I had Trig, and Taylah and Sebastian had Gym, I had to sit next to this girl, Alannah I think she said her name was. Trust me when I say that I was glad to see the end of  first period, Alannah kept flirting with me, I mean I will admit at the start of class I thought she was cute, but within 5 minutes of class she started to become unbearably annoying. By the time lunch came around I was starving and Taylah, Sebastian and I walked to cafeteria and on the menu today was some sort of fancy salad. 

Taylah, Sebastian and I sit down at a table, which I take to be their regular table. After 30 minutes had passed I noticed that Taylah hadn't touched her meal.

On the way to our last class of the day, Modern History, I noticed that Taylah was looking very pale, but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to make her feel bad about her appearance, and because she is beautiful and I don't want her to think anything less of herself. During the entire hour of Modern History I didn't hear a word Mr O'Meara said, I was watching Taylah the whole time, making sure she was alright. 

When the bell ran everybody packed up and Taylah and I said goodbye to Sebastian at the gate, and Taylah and I walked home. About 6 blocks down from the schoolyard Taylah started stumbling and I had to allow her to use me for support and all of a sudden the weight shifted from my shoulder and Taylah hit the ground with a thud. I turned around to see my beautiful Taylah lying on the ground unconscious, I picked her up in my arms, the way they do it in the movies when the groom sweeps the bride off her feet, once she was in my arms I ran, I ran faster than I thought was possible, I guess that's what adrenaline can do to you.

I reached the front door of Taylah's house and I hesitated for a second before knocking, because after last night I don't know if I could face Mrs Hill, but I really don't have a choice with Taylah in this state. Once I knock there is no answer, I knock again and still no answer. I bust the door open and I run inside slamming the door behind me. I run into the kitchen to find Mrs Hill dancing around with the music blaring, I run in turn the music down and now I have her full attention, although that's what I thought but the second she turned around her eyes become fixed on Taylah, but can you really blame her, her daughter is lying unconscious in my arms. She screams and we run up to Taylah's room and laid her on the bed and we sat there and waited for her to show and signs of waking up.

Mrs Hill and I spoke for hours and the one thing that took me by surprise was when she said
"I'm sorry for barging the other day on you and Taylah, it was none of my business and I shouldn't have treated you that way," she sounded so sympathetic and she started burning up in the face.
"It's ok, you were just doing your job"
"I know but that still doesn't give me an right to come barging into my daughter's room, you guys deserve privacy and I could of at least knocked first,"
"Thanks, Mrs Hill"
"Please, call me Tracie"
After a couple hours had passed Taylah started to wake up, she didn't look well.
"When was the last time you ate?" Tracie said anxiously
" I eat" Taylah replied with guilt in her eyes
"Taylah, your are really worrying your mother and I and you didn't even touch your food at lunch, you don't have to starve yourself to be skinny. Your beautiful they way you are and I don't want you to change," I say hoping that she believes me, because every word of it was true.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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