seventeen ~ earth

191 16 11


I settle myself down on my seat at the main meeting table, strapping the belts across my waist and making sure that they're tight.

My parents and the rest of the crewmates are running around headquarters, checking and double checking that everything is correct in order to ensure a safe departure. 

With me being just a teenager, I got the smallest amount of tasks that I've already finished. So  I sit, waiting for the agonizingly slow clock hands to hurry up.

Hurry up so that one month has already been over.

I let out a heavy exhale that's barely audible over the chatter and bustling movements. I absent-mindedly fiddle with my fingers, reminiscing on how I should've brought a memento of (y/n) for the whole month. A photograph, at least. 

Maybe some promise rings, the thought fades away when I glance at the clock. 

An hour has passed. 

Three more hours and I'm gone. Gone from Earth and Amare and all the petty high school drama, but most of all, (y/n).

Your POV

For the first half an hour of the social, me and my friends hang out by the food table. Although we look like pigs, constantly drinking soda and stuffing food in our mouths, it's understandable. The food is too good not to pass up and besides, the Elites are hogging both the mosh pit and the dance floor. 

Both areas happen to be outside, past a door to the roof in the gardens where an outdoor stage is set up and the music is coming from. The DJ and even more flashy lights reside there, hanging in the tree branches. 

I don't need to be outside to know that Caprice has all eyes on her and would roast you if you tried to take some attention away. Even if it was unintentional.

So it boggles me when Chanel tugs at my sleeve and says, "(y/n), let's go out."

"Out there?" I motion frantically to the garden party that's beginning to seem more and more like a rave by the second. "Are you crazy? It's bad enough that we actually went to the social, why would we go to the Elite hotspot? That's like asking to be devoured. It's going to cause drama and you know it."

"Well, who cares?" Chanel flushes angrily, and I worry that this simple conversation will soon escalate to a full-blown argument. "We shouldn't be hiding from them like we're weaker than them or something. Who cares if they start drama. We'll just push back harder."

Before I can reply, Chanel seizes my wrist and we're out in the mosh pit, leaving the rest of our friends behind. We're far away so that Ashley and Caprice, stuck in her two meter distanced circle away from everyone in the center, doesn't notice us, but still close enough so that some of the Elites sneer at us, recognizing the 'girl Jack left Ashley for but she's dating an alien' and the 'girl who used to be Queen Bee at Claritate'.

But despite those glares and few backhand compliments, I start relaxing and strangely enough, Chanel and I start having fun, screaming the words to several throwback songs so that it's only an hour in and I already know that I'm waking up with a sore throat tomorrow. 

Tomorrow...I'll also be waking up with my boyfriend worlds apart.

The thought I had been ignoring this whole finally made its way to me. I had tried to convince myself that if I had believed I would wake up and Shu would still be by my side, then maybe the universe could do one more miracle for me. 

But I've already gotten one miracle more than what people would usually have, so it's logical that this wish doesn't get granted. But I still can't help missing him already, even if there's three hours to go until he really is in space. 

𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐈𝐈 [shu kurenai]Where stories live. Discover now