Chapter 14

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Connor had spent the next few days laying in bed crying all day, the only time he would leave his room is to feed his pets and he'd grab a granola bar and that would be the only thing that he would eat, day after day repeating the same steps.

No one had heard from Connor as he had gone completely ghosted from social media, he had disabled his twitter, instagram, and he didn't even bother to answer to any texts or calls from old wrestling friends, wrestlers he never met, or even close family friends. He was a shell of himself, but no one knew what would happen next.

Connor finally decided to leave his house, it was only to walk his dog down the street and back, but it was progress. It was also the first time that anyone had heard from Connor after updating a his instagram with a picture of his dog. (I can't remember if i gave him a name but it will be zeke/ezekeial)

Connor got a ton of replies and texts but didn't really bother to respond to any of them as he was scrolling through reading them all from his friends.

Although, there was one text message that he got that caught his eyes and that was from Liv Morgan.

Liv: Hey I know you probably don't want to talk to me, but i'm here for you. You know, I really wanted to hang out I was super excited too.

Connor: Thank you, I appreciate it, but after what I did to you I'm surprised you're not mad at me. Or even want to talk to me that is.

Liv: What is there to be mad at? You had something big obviously come up and I support your decision.

Connor: No Liv it wasn't fair to you that I ditched you last minute, I shouldn't had done that, especially to you.

Liv: It's completely okay! Connor, clearly it was really important whatever happened, and i accept that.

Connor: Liv, how about you come over today.

Liv: Uh do you want me to book a reservation at a restaurant or what?

Connor: No, just come to my house, and be comfy,please?

Liv: Of course! I'll be there soon.

With that Connor somehow ended up inviting Liv over when he's been hiding from everyone and everything ever since it happened, he had no idea what to expect from Liv coming over.

Connor ended up making sure there wasn't a mess or anything that he didn't know about or see happen while he locked himself away, if you asked him he didn't care if Liv came over but he was jumping for joy on the inside.

*doorbell rings*

Connor: One second!

Connor goes to open the door

Connor: Hey, L-Liv.

Liv: Hiii Connor!

Liv greets him with a hug and squeezes extra tight but they both get lost in the hug with faces buried in necks as seconds continued to pass by.

Connor: Oh uh s-sorry, let me get that for you, please?

Liv: Well I never took you for the gentleman type.

Connor chuckled as he grabbed a bag that appeared to have chips, and cookies, and a bunch of treats and drinks over to the counter while Liv came over and sat on the barstool at the counter.

Connor was unpacking when he seen that Liv almost fell off her chair and gasped somewhat shockingly.

Connor: So there he is.

Liv: What are you talking about something just hit me!

Connor: That my friend, was big Zeke, or Ezekiel when he's a bad boy.

Liv: You have a kid?!

Liv got very excited.

Connor: Well of course you didn't see? Well, sort of kid.

Connor reached down to his feet and picked up little zeke, little bulldog german shepherd mix.

Liv slapped Connors arm as he began to chuckle and grabbed onto Lives hips then decided to power bomb her onto the couch and went and sat beside her as the two of them couldn't stop laughing, and what Liv was noticing, was some emotion out of the cold depressed man.

The pair of Liv and Connor proceeded to goof of and watch old wrestling events and shows on the WWE Network as well as going through a bunch of snacks that Liv brought over, Connor was enjoying the company as she completely helped him forget about everything that was going on in his life right now and for once he felt that he could just act normal and not have to put on an act for someone.

Connor was slowly starting to doze off to sleep as they had been watching movies for a solid five or six hours, it was then that Liv took advantage of this and loved the shared snacks off of his body and and she straddled on top of him and laid down so she could have her own body pillow.

What Liv wasn't expecting was the feeling of two very firm and hard hands grab at her bubble butt which made her go red in the cheeks very quickly. Then before she could react or say something she felt a tingling sensation on her neck as Liv couldn't hold it in and started moaning lightly in Connors ear.

Liv: C-Connor.

Connor: Mmph

That's all Connor could muster out as much as Livs brain was telling her no, her heart and body were telling her yes.

Liv for some reason couldn't pull away, there was something about his rough but somehow gentle touch, somehow she melted into him, as he began to push his hips up and grind a bit against her as he moved to her lips.

Connor couldn't help himself, he wanted to experience all of it, all of her. Their tongues began dancing as Liv started to take off Connors shirt and feel his abs, until Connor pulled away.

Connor: I-I'm sorry Liv, I can't.

Liv: What do you mean you can't?

Connor helped her to the door explaining how bad he felt for Enzo despite how many times Liv tired to tell him that it didn't matter to her anymore and that she wants him. But Connor was a man of respect, and he couldn't do that to another man.

Connor: Liv, I really really like you but I can't be doing this to you and your significant other, I wish so badly but you're with him, not me.

With that as the door closed Connor slid down the back of the door and had his head racing and instant depression hitting him again, meanwhile Liv was sobbing in her car parked in his driveway until she finally decided to dive home, regretting the fact that she thinks she's not good enough for Connor since she can't reassure him.

Liv, Learn, Laugh (Liv Morgan x OC) Where stories live. Discover now