Chapter 9

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Connor headed home after his recent encounters and eventful night at full sail university. He didn't really know what to make of what happened, especially with Liv Morgan, a hot grossing topic within WWE, what made him feel even worse is that she has boyfriend within the same company.

Connor stopped at an In n Out that was close by but their drive thru was closed so that means he had to go into the restaurant if he wanted to eat, which he was starving.

With Connors amazing luck throughout the last month, he runs into none other than Tegan by herself, and to make matters worse, Liv and her snobby boyfriend Enzo walk in behind him... leaving Connors ex girlfriend in front, a sexy woman who works with him behind him and her bitch ass boyfriend who has no idea what happened 30 minutes ago at NXT.

Connor tried his best to ignore everyone around him but of course when he went to fill up his drink at the fountain and reached for a lid Connor and Tegan's hands touched as they both just kinda stood there.

Tegan: Oh I'm uh- s-sorry.

Connor: No it's, it's okay, it's my fault.

Tegan: No no it's not at all, I messed up, like normal, it's okay.

Connor: It's not like normal... you don't give yourself enough credit. Sure you screwed up big time, and I may have overreacted a bit... but that doesn't make you a bad person.

Tegan: Then why have you been ignoring me?

Connor: Because you broke my heart.

Tegan: I didn't mean to Con!

Connor: You didn't mean to? You cheated on me for like over 3 years! How is that an accident? How do you not mean to?

At this point Liv and Enzo as well as the employees could hear Connor get mad and everyone kind of stopped what they're doing.

Tegan: Connor! Please. Just give me a chance?

Connor: A chance? don't think i don't know what you and Dakota did you Deonna and i during NXT... Let alone what you caused when I was in catering and I might've just ruined what I had.

Tegan: It was all Dakota I promise!

Connor: Save it... I cant go through this again, and I won't, Dakotas fault or not... you still agreed to it and you still part took in it... how am i supposed to take you back let alone let you explain yourself??

Tegan: Connor wait!

Connor headed outside and opened the door to his blacked out lamborghini mercialago and went to leave but Tegan raced outside and caught up to him.

Connor: Tegan please just leave me alone, I have other business to attend to.

Tegan: What other business do you have at 10:30, at night, on a freaking Wednesday.

Calling my best friend Cody and signing with AEW so that I don't have to deal with your annoying ass, I knew i shouldn't have talked to you.

Tegan: No Connor please! Just let me talk.

As she said that Connor closes the door on her and locked them so she couldn't talk to him, she traced a heart in his window then blew him a kiss.

Connor waited for Tegan to get in her car and leave and then he opened his door and went and sat out on the bench since he didn't want to eat in his nice car for obvious reasons.

Then Liv came out.

Liv: Hey, Connor, right?

Connor: Yeah, hey Liv.

Liv: So I um, I heard what happened with you and Tegan...

Connor: How much did you hear?

Liv: Do you want the honest truth?

Connor: Nothing but it... please?

Liv: Everything. I heard everything that you and her both said, even the stuff outside.

Connor: Oh, even that, yeah, she ruined WWE for me, I'll never step foot there again, fuck those people and every-

Liv cut him off with a deep quick kiss shoving her tongue down his throat and falling on top of Connor as Connor reached in her pants and took two handfuls of Livs perfect ass.

As the kiss was basically picking off where it left Liv was leaving a huge hickey on his neck and Connor could feel when she was grinding on him that Liv was wet as water until she felt a vibration that made Liv shoot up.

Liv: Sorry, I uh, Enzo said he just got the food so I have to go... you know how to reach me though.

She left Connor with and kiss and grabbed a handful of his crotch and gave it a quick shake which left Connor wanting so much more.

As Connor and Liv were parting ways, Enzo came over and formerly introduced himself, Connor knew exactly what to expect.

Sure enough it was exactly that, Enzo went on about how much of a fan he was and how much if an inspiration he is despite being younger than half of the wrestlers in the world.

Connor said his usual thanks and as they were separating, Enzo tried to find out any insider information from Connor that could be huge. Instead Connor told him that he doesn't kiss and tell and then left Enzo in the middle of the parking lot wondering where Connor is going to go.

On Connors way home he called Cody to set up a visit to AEW: Dynamite next Wednesday, as part of his decision into where he will really sign, both companies think they have him but only Connor knows the answer

Next week, Dynamite

Liv, Learn, Laugh (Liv Morgan x OC) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora