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Hey readers, and thanks for tuning in! I'll be starting on Onions & Garlic tomorrow, making updates each day as a part of NaNoWriMo (find out more at I'm excited to start this story with some new characters and a new genre, and I'm hoping to gain more experience along the way.

Several months had passed in quarantine when I discovered that my local library lent books online as well as in-person. Within two months, I had read forty Agatha Christie novels, and became inspired to write a mystery story with an engaging plot and a pair of non-traditional detective characters.

Over the course of November, you can follow Rhiannon Valdez, science nerd and aspiring medical student, and Sylvie Stein, a driven young reporter at the Skybrook Gazette, as they untangle the knots of a complicated crime in search of truth and justice for late entrepreneur Alistair Hathaway.

As this will be my first mystery novel, I'm open to any reader feedback. Feel free to star, suggest, and theorize in the comments as much as you'd like. So that I can get a general idea of how many people are reading Onions & Garlic, please log into Wattpad or make an account (it's simple and it supports writers) in order to be tracked as a reader. Thank you for your support, and enjoy the journey!

[All Rights Reserved. ©️ Autumn Lin 2020.]

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