Anxieties (Stefan x Reader)

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Stefan Salvatore x reader

Reader is battling anxiety and Stefan helps

The crowded restaurant seemed to echo around you as you began to lose focus

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The crowded restaurant seemed to echo around you as you began to lose focus. You blinked hard and swallowed, trying to concentrate on the jovial conversation around you as you sat with your friends at the Mystic Grill. Caroline laughed from across the table but the sound felt distant. Your heart began to race as your anxiety swept you up and into its waves.

"Excuse me," you whispered to Bonnie, who was seated next to you in the booth. She looked at you, concerned.

"Y/N, are you okay?" She whispered back.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay, I just need some air," you said hoarsely, your voice cracking a bit. She nodded and moved out of the way for you to exit. Stefan's eyes didn't leave you the entire time. No one else might have caught it, but he heard your heart accelerate, he heard your quiet gulps for air. You exited the restaurant and sat at one of the outdoor tables, the night air was crisp and cool, giving you some relief. Your cheeks were flushed and hot as you tried to steady your breathing. You closed your eyes as you breathed in through your nose and out through your mouth. You opened them again to find Stefan kneeling in front of you, concern in his eyes.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked. You sighed and smiled at him, but the smile came out more of a grimace. You tried to nod silently, your voice not making its way up your throat. You swallowed hard, but no sound came out. He took your hands in his, a look of understanding coming over his face. "Hey, look at me, you're okay," he gently encouraged. He gave you a warm smile, something Stefan was very good at. You looked into his green eyes and found yourself focused on only him. "We're gonna do a little exercise, okay? I'm here to help you," He reassured you. You furrowed your eyebrows and nodded at him quizzically.

"I want you to tell me five things you can hear." He said. You looked at him questioningly again before closing your eyes and listening.

"People talking," you said quietly. A car passed by on the street. "The sound of tires on pavement. The wind rustling the leaves on the trees. Footsteps. Your voice." You opened your eyes again to him smiling and nodding.

"Good. Now tell me four things you can smell," he requested.

You closed your eyes again and took a deep breath. The smell of autumn wafted through the air, almost an indescribable scent. Like... "pumpkins and leaves. Smoke from a campfire. The food from the Grill." You opened your eyes again and realized your heart wasn't racing as much anymore. Stefan nodded to you again.

"Tell me three things you can see," he looked around you and up. Your gaze followed his.

"The blinking 'open' sign in the grill window. The stars above us," you looked back down to him, "your green eyes," you whispered. He smiled at you.

"Tell me two things you can feel," he squeezed your hand in his.

"The warmth of your hand in mine. My heart beat slowing down," your breathing had calmed as well, your mind almost completely off of the anxiety attack you were having before.

"Good," he said, his eyes not leaving yours. He leaned in closer to you, as he whispered the last item. "Tell me one thing you can taste," he said, closing the gap between you. He kissed you gently, letting you have all the control. You kissed him back, nothing intense or lustful, but sweet and comforting. His soft lips against yours.

"You," you whispered as you pulled away. Air filled your lungs entirely for the first time all night. You weren't shaking anymore and your heartbeat was at an even pace. You smiled at him as he stood up. "Thank you, Stefan." You said quietly.

"Why don't we go have a good time with our friends? Everything's going to be okay." He pulled you up by your hand and you smiled. Stefan didn't have to compel you to make you forget your anxieties. He knew how to do it naturally.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2020 ⏰

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