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Random Online Prompt: "You thought he was dead, but there he is, right in front of you on the street, smiling at you."

 You and Elijah are in love for centuries, his family becoming your family over the years. Until something goes horribly wrong.

A/N: I feel like I've seen this same kind of situation/prompt but honestly I love it so here we go. Starts in S1 ep 15 flashbacks, (following the story) then moves to present day (definitely not following the story). I guess we're pretending sire lines don't exist

Elijah x reader (S1 of TO)

word count:

warning: implied smut, sadness, death, loneliness, gore, language, season 1 spoilers?



Immortal life was a bit drab without something to live for. For centuries, you had just that. A totally epic love. Someone to be with forever, adventuring, fighting, loving. Elijah had lit up your life like no other, he was the candle that brightened your darkness.

Until Mikael returned.

The Quarter was vibrant and full of life with news of the peace agreement between factions in the face of prohibition. Meetings held in secret at local speakeasies, jazz music, dancing, and drinking. You eyed your love from the dance floor as he talked with his younger brother and the Werewolf Queen, Lana, raising their glasses to newfound peace. Elijah turned to scan the room for you. He found you, dancing to the lively music. He smiled as you raised your hand, finger pointed in his direction, instructing him to come dance. He finished his drink and set it on the bar behind him, smirking as he glided over to you. He grabbed you by your waist, moving in sync with you and the music. Elijah Mikaelson spent his night getting lost in the movement of your hips.


The next morning, Elijah was gone, a box and note on the pillow next to you rather than his warm body.

"For tonight. xx" The note read. You picked up the box to find a diamond necklace with matching earrings. You smiled giddily as you eyed the shine of the necklace. It would go perfectly for your dress for the opera, "Les Huguenots". Rebekah would be accompanied by Marcel, Niklaus with his new plaything, the Werewolf Queen from the previous night, and you and Elijah. Call it a group date. The Abbatoir was quiet in the mid-afternoon as you spent the day agonizingly passing time until the opera, doing your hair and makeup when the time came.

A knock at your door startled you from your concentration on your hair.

"One moment," You called. You stood, adjusting your dress in the mirror. You turned to see a tall, blonde man you didn't recognize standing in the middle of your room. Surprised, you took a step back. He was holding a decorated, carved wooden stake. He gave the smallest of fake smiles that looked devilishly familiar.

"Forgive me," he said, his accent thick, "But I must use you." He came toward you at an alarming speed. You threw your arms out in an attempt to protect yourself, but blackness and pain was the only thing that came next.


Consciousness came and went as you hung from the metal fence prop to be used by the opera cast that night. The man - who you had not learned the identity of - had dropped you down on top of the prop, impaling you through the stomach. Through your haze, you saw Marcel, unconscious, his body hanging limply, his hands and feet were tied to a large wooden torture prop. Your gaze moved as your head lulled back, eyes landing on the body of the werewolf queen, Lana, impaled on a large wooden stake. You squeezed your eyes shut as tears fell, unconsciousness taking over again.

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